[31] Nov 28, 2022 - Monday 09:53 [85]

215 16 0

| University

Today I was able to get to class on time, a fucking miracle.

I enter the room... but... the teacher is not even here... wait... the class is here, right...?

I see Rosé and Jisoo in a row at the end. I breathe deeply. Oh, okay... I was getting nervous... it wouldn't be the first time... but this time at least, I think I would have somebody who would let me know...

I reach them and they are... hm... sitting on our habitual seats but... Rosé on the corner and then Jisoo.

Hmm... aishh.

"Can I sit in the corner instead, Rosé?"

"Not even a good morning, no you can't!"

"Sorry... good morning, guys."


"Rosé... saranghae..." I pout.


I clench my jaw.

"Jisoo...?" I say awkwardly, pleading.

Jisoo smirks and ignores me. I start to look around.

"Don't you dare to sit away from us!" Rosé complains.

I breathe deeply and place my stuff next to Jisoo's.

Please Jennie don't come.

Don't come.

Don't come.

♪ [ ~ Butterflies - Acoustic - Abe Parker ~ ]

Jennie appears at the door. Fuck.

She also stops at the beginning of the row next to Rosé and stares at us silently.

Then, she starts to walk through the small space and sits next to me.

Fuck... say something, stupid!

"Good morning..." I say and Jennie looks at me awkwardly, a bit surprised.

"Good morning..."

I smile awkwardly at her and I look at the board again.

"To me, nobody says good morning..." I hear Rosé.

"I said!" Jisoo complains.

Jennie chuckles.

"Sorry, good morning."

"Hmm," Rosé hms annoyed.


I felt sometimes Jennie's gaze on me but I didn't have the courage to look back at her...

Rosé and Jisoo are spending the class bickering with each other as usual, this time on Rosé's notebook. Jennie and I are just in silence, looking at the teacher.

When she takes notes, my eyes follow her hand as it writes and draws lines. She is so delicate in her writing... but when the teacher writes more on one side of the board or writes too many things on the same chart, that she wasn't counting on... she looks attentively at her notebook, searching for a space to write those without ruining the aesthetic of her notes... and most of the time she just gives up, sighs angrily and starts brutally writing them on top of her other notes... it's so cute.


Right now, she is writing what is on the board and the teacher is starting to erase it.

I don't even need to look at her face... just her angy fist closed strongly next to her notebook tells me she didn't finish copying... since I'm not writing anything and I'm following the teacher and Jennie's annotations, I know the word that she missed it.

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