[68.2] Apr 21, 2023 - Friday 23:09 [229]

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| Jisoo's Residence

Jennie texted me that she would stay here because Jisoo asked her to. I can't even imagine what Jisoo is feeling right now... 

And after several calls and messages trying to convince both to let me come... here we are... with them... almost... convinced...

The door of Jisoo's apartment swings open and... is Jennie standing there, aww... I rush towards her and lift her in the air, hugging her.

She kisses me.


We break it, and I look behind her. 

"Hi, Jisoo..." I awkwardly let go of Jennie.

Jisoo raises her eyebrows and chuckles, closing the door behind me.

I look at the table.... interesting... decoration... lots... of... guns and other equipment... scattered around...

I look back up and catch Jisoo staring at me with an intense, piercing gaze and serious expression. Is the first time I see her... knowing she knows... that I know...

"Are you really okay with all this...?"

"Mhm..." I nod.

She looks at me pensively, and makes her way towards the sofa, sitting in the corner.

I sit next to her, and Jennie comes too, settling herself in the opposite corner, at the end of the L-structure. As she sits down, she grabs a pillow and looks at the TV again.

I turn my attention to Jisoo, who is looking at her phone... her home screen is a... headless blonde girl...

Jennie kicks my thigh, teasing me 'cause she noticed that I noticed too... I'm not as easy, pffs... I glance at her annoyed, smile and look back at Jisoo.

"I talked to your girlfriend today..." I say. Jisoo chuckles and looks up at me.

"You better not use that word in front of her... according to her... we are... just seeing each other... "

"Yeah, yeah, she made it very clear to me too..." I chuckle.

"... But... Jisoo... now that you guys are together... I can't keep hiding this from her..."

Jennie looks at us silently.

Jisoo leans her head back, against the top of the sofa, sighing.

"I don't want to keep hiding this from her either... but... I'm afraid of how she will react... you've been simping for Jennie ever since you met her... Rosé and I are different..."

"I, ah-hm..."

Jennie laughs in a low tone.

"... Just so you know, Rosé too in her own way... and it's not like you want to keep having this life... you want to get free. And she deserves to know, and choose what she wants right now... she's putting herself in a vulnerable place too..."

"I know... but I don't want to put her at risk... she said she doesn't want anything serious... and I rather tell her after all this ends..."

"This could take weeks... months..." Jennie says.

"Ya, you are supposed to be on my side... and I want to be honest with her... but I don't know what I'm more afraid of... her not wanting to look at my face ever again or... the craziest scenario where she still wants to be with me. Rosé would go paranoid... if something would happen, she's too unpredictable... it's too dangerous for her... am I wrong?"

I clench my jaw and sigh in silence. Jennie stays silent too.

"... Yeah..." she breathes deeply looking back at the ceiling.

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