[22.2] Oct 23, 2022 - Sunday 04:48 [49]

229 15 0

| Residence

Since I wasn't going to be with Jennie, I decided to use that time to study. It's great... student life is... great... and I can't play around too much if I don't want to lose my scholarship. I can manage just fine with the freelance projects I do... but... aish... I don't even want to think about if I lose my scholarship...

Sometimes I concentrate so hard that I forget to pee, and I only notice how much time has passed when I start hearing birds and look out my window and realize... light... that, shouldn't be there.

Now... jisoos... it's almost 5 am... and it may seem like I studied a lot, but I can't make myself wake up early if I don't have to, so... I have to compensate for those hours somewhere.

My sleep schedule is... not much regulated... no...

I lean back on my chair and look out my window.

I breathe deeply.

At least I was able to do what I needed. So even though I will probably dream about weird things like numbers and equations my life depends on it... worth it.

*noise from a car outside*

As if I'm not interested at all... I get up and go near my window.

For a person who doesn't like people that much, it's weird how entertaining it is to sometimes, from afar, watch them living their normal lives.

Too creepy...? Yeah...

Two persons, probably a couple, are arguing inside a car parked next to the residence.


I chuckle and close my eyes, breathing out. 

I place my hands underneath my glasses, lift them up and rub my eyes. They are burning from tiredness...

I start to move away from the window.

*slamming of a car door* 

And... I slightly open a bridge between my fingers, looking back at it.

"Hm?" I blink my eyes and rub them harder.

I'm pretty sure that's... Jennie leaving the backseat of the car. 

The others stay in and Jennie starts to walk to the entrance of the residence in a serious mood.

She gets inside and the car goes.


So... she wasn't with X? But I don't recognize the people from the front seats tho.

And what does that have to do with you?

"Hmm," I hm annoyed and raise my hands up, surrendering myself... to... to no one... bed... bed!

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