[76.4] Jun 23, 2023 - Friday 03:48 [292]

103 15 0

| Residence

♪ [ ~ Love is Gone - Acoustic - SLANDER, Dylan Matthew ~ ]

She didn't say a word during the two hours car drive...

The elevator doors open and we step out... she looks at me...

"Let me clean your wound... okay?"

I nod.

She starts to walk to her apartment and I follow her.

We enter and I keep following her to the bathroom.

I take off my shirt and lean on the sink and stay silent, looking at her as she concentrated cleans my wound...


She finishes cleaning the sink, and I stop leaning against it.

"What you say about a hot bath now?" she asks.

"It sounds good, Nini..."

She chuckles smiling and lets a tear fall. I wipe it.

I hold her still wet shirt and help her take it off. I sit on the edge of the bathtub, and she helps me take out my pants... I do the same to hers... she comes near me and turns around... I help her take out her bra, and I take mine... we take off our underwear, and I enter, starting to fill the bathtub... I hold her hand as she enters, and she sits between my legs... I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her shoulder...


I had a pair of pants here, and she handed me the rest from her clothes. We both got dressed, and I'm sitting on the toilet seat, blowing her hair with the hairdryer as she sits on my leg.

I stop and she grabs it. She gets up and saves it. I get up and follow her to the bedroom.

She sits on the edge of her bed... and looks at me in silence... I bend my knees and hold her hands.

"Run away with me...?" I ask.

She chuckles softly.

"... I'm serious..."

"That would never work..."

"We can try..."

She looks at me pensively with a face I can't read... and breathes deeply.

"I'm sorry... I can't live that life..."

"What do you mean...? It would be... just you and me... Jisoo and Rosé too, we could all live just the four of us and go far away from here..."

She chuckles and lets go of my hands, getting up.

"You really think I would be happy living like that...?! Like a fugitive?! You don't think I deserve better than that...?!"

"Yes..." I start to tremble.

"... You deserve everything. I want to give you everything.... but, Nini... at least we would have each other..."

"And?! What can you give me?! I was being shot, and you were passed out in a hotel room! Do you think you can protect me?!"

"Nini... I... I tried..."

"But it wasn't enough. It never is! Everything with you is just..." she sighs.

"... Maybe there's really something wrong with you..."

I look at her in silence as my tears fall.

"You're not meaning this, Nini..."

"I am!"

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