[70] Apr 26, 2023 - Wednesday 16:01 [234]

96 13 0

| My Aunt's House

I don't see my aunt inside the house... hm... she must be outside near the pool already.

I step out and she's on the phone...

"No...! For the millionth time, you need to follow protocol, you need to report where you've been. You can't just disappear for days!" she sighs angrily.

"... Aish, I didn't miss you...! I just wanted to know if you were dead...! Is that so hard for you to understand...?!"

"... You think this is funny? That's the information you agreed to give, I will not take you out for dinner before because of it."

"... Ya, or for any reason! Buy one yourself..."

"... Why would I tell you when I'll be there?"

"... Just fill in the reports, you, aish.... ani, you're not going to do that! Ya! You have a death wish?"

"... I-I-can sleep just fine with you dead! But I'm not letting you jeopardize this by letting you do whatever you want, and I'm saying no. Is that clear?" she turns around and sees me.

I cough.

"... Okay, I have to go now... bye," she locks the phone and sighs.

"... Have you been there for long?"

"Ah, just arrived now..."

She nods and places the phone on the table.

"How is it uni?"


"Have you been with your friends lately?"

"Ah, mostly Rosé... Jisoo and Jennie are not even here in the city..."

She looks at me pensively and then chuckles.

"Jisoo or Jennie... are like you, or do they have someone?"

"Ah... Jisoo, I think she's seeing someone, and Jennie has... a boyfriend as I told you once..."

"Mhm... oh, I remember now, so they are still together... are they still going to get married?"

"Ah... that I know... nothing happened, so I think so..."

"Okay," she nods and starts walking away.

"... Are you ready?"

"Oh, ah-yeah."

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