[86] Dec 21, 2024 - Saturday 21:01 [839]

95 13 0

| My House

♪ [ ~ iirwya? - Jeyes ~ ]

I'm sitting next to the window, in my bedroom on the second floor... it's raining... the sound of the rain... hitting on the window...

I hear meows downstairs... yes... plural... I may... have adopted new brothers to Leo... a lesbian living alone in this big house with five cats... I'll not do further comments on that... 

Leo, Luca, Lily and Louis... and the most recent kid... Lego.

Rosé helped me name Leo, Louis and Lily. Luca and Lego I chose all by myself... my family is growing... and honestly... they make me so happy in the middle of their mess... 


"Yes, Louis. Food, I know..."

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