[53.3] Feb 12, 2023 - Sunday 16:02 [161]

165 14 0

| Jennie's Parent's House

We enter her house again, and she starts heading towards the opposite hallway, not the one that leads to the kitchen. I just follow her looking around, paying attention to Jennie's photos as a kid.

I chuckle.

We pass through a few doors and she enters one.

She walks in and jumps onto her bed.

I chuckle and put my bag on the floor, near a desk positioned in front of a window.

Her room screams a bit of luxury... not gonna lie... and she has really an addiction with mirrors... or with seeing herself... which I wouldn't blame her...

I take out my laptop and put it on the desk.

"Are you going to work from the bed...?"

"Aww..." she complains with her eyes closed and starts to get up.

"... You can sit there."

She disappears from the room and I sit on her desk chair.

She comes with a similar chair with heels and I...

I chuckle.

She just gives up halfway, sits, and is dragging herself on her tiptoes towards me in a tired mood.

"That will tire you even more..."

I stretch my arm and grab her chair, pulling it to me.

She puts tiredly her leg over mine and yawns, covering her mouth with her hand as she looks at my laptop's screen.

I chuckle and start to prepare the things to create the project.

"What's your username so I can add you?"




She rests her head on my shoulder and yawns again.

"It's still 4 pm."

"The drive, the horseback riding and... you... tired me..."



I kept filling in with Jennie's help the usual stuff that every project of our uni needs.

Jennie is kinda a perfectionist... and she's entering her concentrated mode where she curls her lip...

Mhm... yes...

But at the same time... she's just a cute small bean... because...

"Your leg will stay like this all day...?"


"Your... parents... they aren't... around...?"

"Hm... dad?! Mom?!" she screams and I widen my eyes, taking quickly her leg out of the top of mine.

She laughs and puts it there again.

"... They aren't here..."


"It was at 9 or 10 pm you bought the ticket?"


"Hm," she hms annoyed with her head still on my shoulder.


She moves away, letting go of my leg and opens her laptop near me.

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