[35.2] Dec 20, 2022 - Tuesday 01:01 [107]

213 18 0

| Residence

Shreck ends.

"The kdrama ended, Shrek ended, everything ends..."

"Jennie, there are more Shrek movies. I actually want to watch all movies. I think I didn't watch some of the movies in the mid--"

"Shh," Jennie puts her index finger on my lips to make me stop talking.

I just look at her annoyed.

"... No more Shrek today, please..."

I take her finger off my face.

"You just said that you hate that it ended."

"I was not talking about the movie... and let's just watch the next one tomorrow."

"But I want to continue now..." I pout.

"But I don't want to."

I point to the door with my hand.

She slaps my arm.


She stares at me and now she is the one pouting...

I roll my eyes.

"What do you want to do then?"

"I want to dance."


"Put music on."

"But it's 1 am, Jennie."


"And it's Monday. I-I mean it's already Tuesday and we have neighbours, remember?"

"Stop being so correct, I have loud neighbours too, and I want music!"

I point to the door again and she hits me harder.

"Aish... put headphones then."

"Are you serious?" she looks at me like she's done with me.

"Mhm, I do it all the time."

I get up to go to my desk and throw her my headphones.

She gets up from the sofa with them in her hands.

"So I put them on... and you? I don't want to look like an idiot alone, you're the idiot here."

I chuckle.

"... Put ones too..." she says. 

Hm... I walk to my bedroom.

I come back doing a tired but nonetheless... confident, dorky pose with my other headphones on, shaking my hands.

Jennie laughs.


She smiles widely and puts hers on too.

I go to the counter and grab a bottle of Soju... I need a little courage here. I drink one glass.

Jennie does the same.

"... Ya... you don't need more."

She turns to me, and while maintaining her gaze locked on mine, finishes her entire glass... ignoring me. She places her glass down and gives me a smirk.



We synchronize our playlist and I can't believe this... we hit play... and the music starts to play loudly in my ears.

♪ [ ~ Starstruck - Years & Years ~ ]

She starts to rock her head, placing her hands on the headphones and... I can't. Seeing her like this is so funny.

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