[63] Mar 21, 2023 - Tuesday 11:04 [198]

126 14 0

~ Lisa ~

| Residence

"Hm?" I open my eyes and look at Jennie already dressed, sitting on the bed.

"... Ah-ah, I did'nt hear any alarm..."

"Yeah, I forgot to put one, but my dad sent me a message asking if I was already going..." she chuckles.

"Oh... you could have woken me up, I would have made you breakfast..." I say blinking my eyes and getting my upper body up.

"I didn't want to wake you up... you looked so peaceful sleeping."

"... And I just woke you up now, 'cause... I have to go..."

"Hm..." I pout.

"... But did you eat?"


She goes to kiss me and I move away.

"... Aigoo, ani! If you can kiss me after I wake up, I can too!" she holds the front of my neck and pulls me into a kiss.

She gets up, her hand still gripping my jawline as we prolong the kiss.

I lean forward until she's out of bed.

She gives me a fast kiss and moves away, starting to walk backwards.

"... Bye, Nugget...."

I breathe out deeply.

"Bye, baby..." I wink dorky at her.

She looks at me annoyed but I still can see her containing her smile.

She chuckles and starts to go, and...

*door opening*

*door closing*

I fall onto the bed again, with my arms open and breathe deeply.

I laugh and hold my pillow.

I bite my lip.

"... We are so fucked...."

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