[42] Jan 3, 2023 - Tuesday 21:02 [121] 🐇

193 14 0

| Jisoo's Residence

It's Jisoo's birthday. She spent the day with her family but came to the city tonight so that we could also spend some time with her in her apartment.

As... I... just a second... I breathe deeply... as I finish climbing these stairs, I see Rosé waiting next to a door... must be Jisoo's door.

"You took too long!" she complains from the other side of the hallway.

"I didn't know she lived on the tenth floor and the elevators were not working, okay?!" I complain back.

I finally reach the door.

"Oh, I like your shirt..."

"You gave it to me."

She chuckles and as I look at her...

I hug her tightly and let her go fast.

"Omo... what was that?"

"Nothing... I just missed you..." I chuckle.


"Don't aww me."

"Hug me again."

"No," I knock on the door.


"You came early, huh...?" I say and smirk at her.

"Ah... and about it?"

I chuckle.


Jisoo opens the door.

"Happy birthday."

"Thank you, Lisa."

"Happy birthday, nerd."

Jisoo laughs and looks at the bags that Rosé is carrying.

"You were afraid I didn't have food here?"

"I was just making sure we had everything."

"It's just a night."

"That can turn out to be a long, long night..."

And... yeah, it started, that's my cue to look away...

"What you even brought...?" 

"Snacks, chips and... cookies, they are homemade... at least that's what it said on the package."

Jisoo chuckles and lets us in.

"Wow... your setup is so cool," I say amazed by it.

Jisoo sits on the sofa and hands me the other controller.

Fuck yes!

I sit on the sofa. Rosé sighs and sits in the middle of us.

*Jisoo's bedroom door closes*

Jennie... is leaning against it... and walks towards us.

"Hi..." she says.

"Hi," I say, she smiles tiredly at me and sits on the edge of the sofa, at the end of the L format, almost in front of me.

Jisoo bumps her elbow against Rosé.

"Hi, Jennie... you didn't bring your fiancé with you?"

"No..." she says, looks away from us to the TV and the game starts... thank god.


"It's just us?" Rosé asks Jisoo.

"Mina, Jungkook, and the others are still with their families and couldn't come."

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