[66] Apr 10, 2023 - Monday 10:03 [218]

112 15 0

| University

I drag myself through the hallway.

I look at my class door...

I breathe deeply... and enter...  

Jennie is not here... 

I go in and sit down.

"Hi, Lisa," Nayeon says smiling.

"Hi," I give her a small smile. 

It's just the two of us on the bench...

"Good morning class, and... I knew it, half of you would miss class because of the party last night..."

"... I hope your classmates had fun because it won't be fun to understand this, let's get started."


I pack my things and leave the bench.

I drag myself through the hallway... I go outside... and... also drag myself towards the gate...


I turn back. It's...


"... How are you feeling?"


She smiles... and... her smile starts to get even bigger... 

She chuckles.

"I knew she was a good girl... just needed a reason to be..."

"... Oh, here it comes the devil... I should go... she kinda still hates me for trying something with you."

"... You're welcome!" she goes away.

"Welcome...? What...? Sana?!"

I turn back and see Jennie walking in my direction.

"Hi..." she gives me a small... but soft, tired smile.


"Mianhae... I'm sorry I didn't go to class, and that I can't stay much longer here either... I need to go to my parent's house now... I have some things I want to do..."

She looks around.

"... Have you seen Jisoo? I need to talk to her before I go..."

I nod no.

"Jennie... about last night..."

She holds my hand and lets it go immediately.

She breathes deeply, but her gaze is still fixed on my hand.

"You're still wearing your ring... even after I left..."

I nod in silence.

She smiles at me.

"... I really have to go, don't do anything stupid..." she starts walking backwards.


"Just behave while I'm gone! Can you do that, idiot...?"

I blink my eyes confused and nod. 

She smiles softly and starts to go.

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