[55.2] Feb 19, 2023 - Sunday 03:18 [169]

155 13 0

| Residence

♪ [ ~ Where's My Love - Acoustic - SYML ~ ]

It has been three hours and she doesn't answer me. My messages do not even reach her.

I get up, breathe out and look out the window.

She never comes back... maybe she's asleep and her phone died...

I grab my phone.

I call Jisoo but she has her phone turned off too.

"Fuck, fuck."

Jennie, where are you?

I shouldn't have let her go...

But it's impossible she's connected to this group, right...? But... if... Jisoo?! Too...?

I breathe out, lowering myself to breathe more controlled.


Who the fuck do I call...?


I call my aunt.

She doesn't have her phone off, but she doesn't pick up either.


Should I drive to Jisoo's apartment...?

To my aunt's office...? Oh.

I call to their office.


| Road Near Residence

I'm waiting in my car for someone at the office to tell me if she's there.

"I'm sorry she's out and hasn't arrived yet, miss. Do you want to leave a message?"

"Oh, just for her to call me please when she arrives... thank you..." I say and turn off the call and look at the road.

Don't ask me what I'm doing... because I don't know what I'm doing... but the more time I spend without knowing where she is... how she is... I'm going insane... and this bad impression on my chest doesn't disappear... instead... just gets heavier...


| Jisoo's Residence

Nothing... nobody opens the damn door...

I see a woman cleaning the floor in the corridor.

"I'm sorry, but... is it possible to see if the people who live there are okay...? They don't answer my phone calls."

"Hm... that door...?"

"Mhm, yeah..."

"I think I remember seeing someone leave that apartment a while ago..."

"Oh. Just one person, two... or more...?"

"My memory is not as good as it was..."

"Oh... okay..."

"But maybe I can think harder..."

I look at the woman confused... is she...?

"Ah... and I'll be... I'm sorry if you want money you will have to tell me directly..." I whisper the last part.


"Okay... there..."

"Two girls came out of that room."

"Both with dark hair?"

She looks at me and I look at the woman...

"... Do I have... to give you more...?"

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