[91.2] Feb 5, 2026 - Thursday 23:55 [1250]

150 14 0

| Hospital

I step outside and gaze at the garden... they said it will take at least an hour for them to move her to a different room...


| Cemetery

I stroll along the path with the help of the flickering light of candles, making my way through the darkness with... someone's favourite flowers... irises...

I stop and lower myself, placing down the flowers.

"Hey, mom..."

"... I know you must be already tired of me always talking about the same girl over the past two years... but tonight... Jennie... they said I may never see her again... and I went to talk to her before they change her to a new room..."

"... That reminded me of the last time we spoke..."

"... You knew too right...?"

"... That I love you..."

"... That despite we had our disagreements... and the fact you had to have the stupidest, stubborn, angrier with everything, the most selfish kid you could have asked for... that I always loved you..."

"... You were so scared of what I was going to turn out when I would see myself free and alone in the university... become some fuckboy... and then you found out I was just the same quiet and lonely kid... and... you called me, worried that I should hang out more and make friends... you never knew but you made me cry on the other side of the phone... 'cause... even though I was not what you imagined... at that moment I felt you loved me too... in the end... you just wanted to see me happy..."

"... I'm sorry for everything... but... I'm really sorry for never saying it to you... that I love you... that I never expressed it well... like I never hugged you... it was hard for us... neither of us grew up like that... I understand... but... I think if you were here now... we could change that with time..."

"... I have to go back to Jennie now... I just wanted to say it... I love you, mom..."


| Hospital

I reach the entrance and walk over to Mrs. Kim... she said she will stay here the night too.

"Can I sit...?"

She nods okay and takes her purse off the chair next to her...

I sit.

"... Jisoo and Rosé said they will come any minute... they said they want to be here too..."

"I'm sorry, Lisa..." she says looking at her water bottle on her lap...

"You were not wrong... Jennie is like this... because she took a bullet for me..."

"It was her choice... and if she did... that only means... that she loves you... very much... I shouldn't have acted like that... and for that, I'm sorry..."

I nod.

She sighs.

"... And my husband is terrible at keeping secrets from me... I know you have been spending time with Mateo too... and... I... I'm grateful for it... I'm not been the best person for him to be around... he likes you, Lisa... but don't tell him I told you that... he likes to act cold... he is very secretive about his precious feelings..." she gives me a small smile saying the last part more playfully.

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