[53.4] Feb 13, 2023 - Monday 00:09 [162]

162 13 0

| Jennie's Parent's House

♪ [ ~ Gimme Love - Joji ~ ]

I came to the kitchen to fill my bottle, and now I'm coming back to the hallway to go back to my room and... oh...

I press my lips.

Jennie is getting out of her room... still in normal clothes... what was she doing still awake until now? Oh... and she's not going in the kitchen direction... I walk behind her.

"Where are you--" I whisper, barely getting the words out before she immediately turns around and throws a punch straight to my throat.

She recognizes me... but a bit too late...

I cough.

"Omo, mianhae... I'm sorry..." she whispers and I lower myself, putting my hand on my throat in pain.


She signals me not to make any sound and drags me to her room, closing the door behind us.

She has only her bedside lamp on.

"You scared me..." she keeps whispering.

"And your first instinct is to throw a punch...?" I whisper back, still processing it.

"I didn't know who was it... and I thought you were in your room..."

"Yeah... and... where were you going...?"

She looks at me with an innocent look... yeah, so innocent she is...

She walks closer to me and places her hand on my stomach.

"Is it still hurting...?"

I don't answer and focus on what she's doing... her intentions of getting this close don't seem so innocent either.

She looks at me in silence and I do the same.

She starts walking forward, making me walk backwards.

I feel my feet touch her bed so I don't move more.

"Jennie... your parents can come any minute... and what you're thinking... it won't happen..."

She steps forward, making me stumble and sit on her bed. She puts herself on my lap.

Her hand grasps my neck, applying gentle pressure as she uses her entire hand to caress and soothe the area.

"I made you a question... answer me..."

"No... it doesn't hurt like before, it's just an impression now... and stop..."

Her hand on my neck starts to move up, with more strength.

She grabs it tighter as she breathes more heavily on top of me.

"Stop, but not because... me this close to you doesn't make you rethink anything at all, right...?"

"Ah... no... I still... don't want you to kiss me..."

Her dark brown eyes...

She moves closer, moving her body forward against mine and... the nearer she gets, the more her grip on my neck tightens, making me involuntarily open my mouth.

"What about now...?"

"Still... no..."

She chuckles and gets inches closer to the curve of my neck.

Her breath against my skin grows stronger as she gets near it.

She starts to give me soft kisses there.

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