[37.2] Dec 21, 2022 - Wednesday 17:01 [108]

182 15 0

| Mall

Since we are about to leave, Jisoo and Jennie went to the bathroom... so again, they left me alone to put up with Rosé... I'm just leaning against the glass railing, looking at the people on the first floor, waiting for miss Roseanne to come out of the store or for Jennie and Jisoo, if they come first.

I still need to buy a few things before I go... but at least some would be weird if I bought them in front of them... I think... well, not that weird... but I rather buy them on my own... Jennie and especially Rosé would annoy me if they saw me buying that...


Rosé just poked me. Why does everyone like to scare me?!

"Why didn't you wait for me inside of the store?" she asks.

"Why did you start flirting with the man at the checkout?"

She chuckles.

"He started first."

I chuckle in disbelief.

"Hi, Rosé," a girl out of nowhere says and stops in front of us.

"Hi..." Rosé smiles confused.

I can't go out with her one time... one time, without this happening...

I lean more against the glass railing, resting my elbows on the handrail.

"I almost didn't recognize you, it's been so long." 

"Yeah..." Rosé says slowly.

I'm sorry, ma'am, but I think you're not the only one struggling to recognize people here... but don't worry... you're not her first...

I try to contain my laugh and put on a serious face as I watch them.

I can't wait to see how miss Roseanne will get away with this, one more time.

The girl looks at me.

"Hi, I'm Somi..."

Rosé widens her eyes.

I chuckle.


"You are back in the city?" Rosé got her brain working again, I see.

"Yes, I finally decided to accept my father's job offer."

"But didn't you hate the idea of going?"

"I still do, but I can't keep ignoring the fact that I'm part of this family..."

Rosé chuckles.

"What's really the problem with being part of the board of one of the best and most lucrative companies?"

"You'd be surprised with how many problems there are," Somi chuckles and looks at me and then back at Rosé.

"... Are you guys... dating?"

Rosé chuckles and I laugh... hard.

"Ya! Why are you laughing so hard?!" Rosé complains.

"I'm sorry..."

Somi laughs.

I laugh even more because I can't with how much Rosé got offended.


I see Jennie coming with Jisoo again.

I... I... I'm scared... my soul just flew with how coldly Jennie is looking at us...

I gulp.

I have never seen Jennie look at me with an expression so serious...

I didn't do anything... Mandu... don't kill me...

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