[57.2] Feb 20, 2023 - Monday 16:14 [170]

152 15 0

| Residence

♪ [ ~ At Least For Now - Justin Bieber ~ ]

I enter my apartment and ah... Jennie is sleeping on my sofa... and oh... this is new... a vase of flowers against the wall counter... is a mix of her orange flowers and small sunflowers.

I start to save the groceries.


I close the drawer and she opens her eyes, stretching her arms.

"How long have you been watching me sleep...? I could have helped..." she says, raising her upper body and meeting my gaze.

The way she's looking at me...

"You're not going to stay, right...?"

She nods no.

I take the packages of rice out of the bag and save them.

She presses her lips.

I chuckle.

"... What's your problem with me and rice...?"

She smiles and ignores me.

I save the bags and go sit with her.

"... When will you go...?"

"Tomorrow after lunch... my dad wanted me to go with him right now... but no...! He got mad... but I want to go with you tomorrow..."

"You don't need to go... you know you can't even go inside..."

"But I want to go... you got a problem?"

I chuckle and nod no.

"So... tonight... do you have any plans...?"

"I do..."

"Am I in any of them, just by chance?"

"In several..."

"Hm... do you want to share what you want to do?"

She presses her lips and I just move my back more backwards, rubbing my neck.

"Okay, I'll admit I thought of saying, you... but it would be a joke..."

I look at her.

"... I'm okay taking things slow... I meant it..."


"I've just planned to take a break from everything and relax with you... we can ask for takeout of whatever you want... and even watch the third movie of Shrek... what do you think...?"

"I think you trying to please me..."

"And what if I am a little...? I can't try to please my girl...?"

I chuckle.

"... What?"

"It was the way you said it..."

"You were the one that said you were mine whenever I wanted..."

"I did say that... so I'm guessing you want me to be yours now...?"

She grabs my sweater on my stomach and back, tugging on the fabric to bring herself closer. With her legs, she wraps one around my back and the other rests on my lap. She crosses her feet at her ankles, positioning me between her legs.

"Mhm... mine... just mine..."

I turn to her, she leans in and kisses me.

"... L, can we talk about it first, and then I'll drop it off...?"

Humm? (jenlisa romcom gxg)Where stories live. Discover now