[34] Dec 18, 2022 - Sunday 21:08 [105]

212 16 0

| Christmas Party's House

Tonight is the Christmas party. Yey...

I'm waiting for Rosé to come, 'cause I don't want to go inside without her. Yeah... I know. But right now... let's not think too much about how incredible our social skills are...

I'm just wearing my white sneakers, semi-formal black pants, and a green sweater in which the pocket has a sewn brown deer with a small Christmas hat. It's not, yey, confetti, Christmas, but yeah... I'm not really in the mood for more and I think my deer is cute so... for me is enough... oh, and my socks have little deer in them too, hehe, but they are really tiny... so no one will notice, and it's probably for the best.


Rosé finally comes with Jisoo. Hmm.

Rosé is wearing beige formal pants and a white top, and Jisoo beige jeans and a dark brown vest.

"Did you two agree to wear the same colours...?"

"No..." Jisoo says, nodding her head.

"... Cute deer."

"Wow, thanks, Jisoo," I smile widely and she chuckles.

Rosé comes closer to us. She seems like she's texting someone.

"Jennie is already there," Rosé looks at me.

"... With... X."

"I know... don't worry."

We enter the house and there are a lot of lights. I fucking love Christmas decorations... I smile looking at them. They are so beautiful and there are so many colours... woww... and... I see Jennie and X.


"We don't need to go to them," Rosé whispers to me.

"It's okay..."

They go in Jennie's direction and I... follow my parents.


♪ [ ~ Silence - Marshmello, Khalid ~ ]

They bid us and we did too as we sat down next to them. There's X, Jennie, Rosé, Jisoo, and me, almost forming a half circle on the sofa. Jennie is in front of me, and there is a big empty space between me and X.

Jennie is wearing loose light blue jeans and a grey vest with a white shirt underneath.

Am I really the only one who is wearing something related to Christmas...? It's kind of annoying... but I like my deer so fuck it... he is cute.

They're not kissing in front of me, but it's quite hard not to notice how his hand is on her thigh, which not feels exactly good, but I can't be jealous so.... arghhh.

I'm drinking without really thinking and I'm super easy to get drunk, but it's not like I'm doing much here... so why not get drunk...?

I haven't even finished my whole glass yet and I'm already feeling the alcohol kicking in.



I smirk to myself.

I drink all of it and I get up to get more 'cause fuck it.

Jisoo follows me.

"Are you already drunk?" Jisoo asks.

I laugh.

"I'm not, not drunk, but not much, don't worry."

She chuckles.

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