[96] Feb 10, 2026 - Thursday 16:11 [1255]

105 14 0

| Jennie's Parents' House

♪ [ ~ permanent +1 - Luz ~ ]

Jennie holds my hand.

"You already told them...? Oh... oh, cool, cool, cool..." I say as we walk towards the door.

"... How they reacted...?"

"My mom at first got surprised for me being the one asking you... but then she got terrifyingly too excited... I don't know how we will handle her... it's our wedding... don't forget that, when she tries to convince you to play a weird wedding song she will show you."

"Mhm..." I chuckle.

"... And what about..." I rub my neck.

"Oh, my dad? He didn't like the way I propose. He bickered with me every second as he and Jisoo helped me prepare the candles... but in the end, he almost cried saying it turned out decent."

"I... it wasn't just Jisoo there... but Mr. Kim... your father helped you too... ah... I'll need a second..."

And... the door opens.

I gulp.

Mrs. Kim hugs Jennie and comes to me and... oh... we are hugging...

I smile... and see Mr. Kim behind her, looking at me coldly... and burst into laughter and ah, pull me to a hug too... strong... strong hug...


"Mommy...!" a mini sir walks to Jennie and gruds himself to her knees.

Jennie smiles and holds him up.

Mateo looks at me, furrowing his nose, doing a weird face smirking.

"Hi, sir," I furrow my nose at him too. I give my hand to him and we both shake.


"I'll talk with my parents about... the case... how things stayed... can you go walk with Mateo around the house outside?" Jennie asks.

I nod... and oh, the mini sir already run through the kitchen to outside... great... there will be running involved...


I'm sitting with Mateo, on the edge of the fountain at the patio.

"Come here..." I breathe deeply as I pull his sleeves up for him to keep doing ... what he shouldn't be doing... play with the moss of the water...

He giggles and comes back to the water.

"Gomawo, ma." 


He freezes and looks back at me...

I look at him...

"Ah... if you still want your orange juice, don't forget to wash your hands first... okay?"


He washes his hands on the clear water.

"Wae...? Mateo...!"

He just threw water on my clothes.

"Ya...! Do you think you can get away with that?"

I grab water with my hands and smirk at him.

He starts to run.

"Sir...?" I laugh.

I'm too tired, but... oh, this lad...

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