[43] Jan 4, 2023 - Wednesday 10:02 [122]

190 15 0

| Jisoo's Residence



"I swear... if it's your alarm...?" I hear Jennie complain.



Is not...

I open my eyes widely.

"It's their phone..." I say. Jennie looks at me, I look at her... and we both jump away from each other.

Jennie leans against her corner and I lean against mine too.

We both breathe heavily as we look at each other, catching back our breath.

"Is just..." she starts.


"They would..."

"I know... I don't want to hear Rosé either..."


"But we didn't do anything special for them to complain either."

"If you want to put it that way..." her sad, sharp tone.

I clench my jaw.

"I just meant we were sleeping, and you sleep with others too."

Her face, ah-ah.

"... Like Jisoo, that's what I was talking about...!" I breathe out and get up.

At least I was thinking about her...

I walk to the fridge to get some water.

Jisoo opens the bedroom door and walks through the living room.

"No, it was yesterday..." she chuckles.

"... There's no problem, Mr. Kim... thank you... mhm, I will..." Jisoo lets herself fall on the sofa next to Jennie.

"... It was your father wishing me a happy birthday..."

"On the right day, as usual..."

Jisoo chuckles.

"He said for you to call him later."

"Mhm... it seems you woke up in a good mood..."

I sit down on the sofa and sip the water from my glass looking at both of them.

"I don't have a bad mood when I wake up like you."

"Hmm... jokes already at this hour... so nothing happened...?"

"No... why would?"

Jennie chuckles and shakes her head in disbelief.

"You and Rosé last night... doesn't remind you of anything?"

Jisoo looks at me, then at my pillow and then back at me.

Jennie smirks at her.

"... So...?"

I get up and walk silently out of here in the direction of the window.

Jisoo chuckles.

"Nothing happened..."

"Ya, how can you lie to me like that?!"

I look at the plant on the window.

"You want some water too...? Yeah, I'll go grab it, let's leave them alone..."

"I'm not," Jisoo chuckles.

"Ya! Stop lying to me and admit it."

I refill my glass with water and come back to the living room.

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