[89.3] Jan 04, 2026 - Sunday 20:02 [1218]

91 14 0

| Hospital

♪ [ ~ Saturn - Sleeping at Last ~ ]

I'm leaning against the wall outside feeling the cold wind and my heartbeat beating strongly and loudly... that hurts... physically too...

They already saw her... I'm the only one who couldn't go inside... so I waited... 

There are still police around... I know from my aunt... that there are still a few dangerous elements of the group out... they are here to protect Jennie until they manage to find all of them...

A woman wearing nurse clothes steps out of the worker's doors of the hospital and approaches me.

"You're Jisoo's friend? Lisa?"


"Hi... come with me..." she smiles warmly.


The sound of the hospital hallways... 

I hate it...

This rush inside me... it's been years... the anxiety of what you will find... the correct way you should act...

I rub my chest... 

Be cool, buddy... is our Jennie... we are almost there... you are getting to her again...

We reach a door, but there are bodyguards here... fuck...

They look at me and at Jisoo's aunt...

"Agent Han Sohee already talked to us... I'm sorry this happened. We will do our best to protect her now..."

I nod and they let us go in.

"It's here, I'll leave you alone..." Jisoo's aunt holds a door, I hold it too... and she leaves.

I look at the door... 


I breathe deeply... still with the hard sensation of a continuous heaviness... but is like... a small weight was lifted... as I see her again...

I walk nearer to her bed... my gaze falls on all the machines around her... and on her peaceful, sleepy face...

I place my hand on the covers, on the side of the bed... I move my fingers slowly towards hers... and hold her hand...

I smile, as tears start falling down from my eyes... I rub my thumb on the back of her hand...

"Hi, Nini..." 

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