[67.3] Apr 21, 2023 - Friday 01:42 [229]

156 15 0

| Residence

I stole Jennie a shirt and some loose shorts. I'm sitting here on the edge of her bed, waiting, with my hair still a little wet. I shake it to the sides.

I breathe out deeply.

I don't hear anything from outside. I already checked, and there's nothing weird outside of the window.

Is it X? Who the fuck is it? And why was she so nervous...? If she doesn't come back in one minute, I will... not give a fuck about promises or my word... and I'll just go fucking look for her...

I stand next to the door and... 

Wae? Wait... she locked us in... and there's no key, she fuking locked me inside. Agfasadf-argh!!

There are windows, Jennie! It wouldn't be the first time! 

From the fourth floor would... but, yeah!

I walk towards her window in the living room and look outside.



I open it wide and tilt my upper body outside. 

If I place my foot on that part below... I can reach the window of the corridor, which is open, hmm...

I let myself fall as I grip the ledge with both hands.

I extend my arms and let my body fall even more to try to reach the other ledge with my foot.

Eh-ah... one hand only... ah...

Fuck, finally... I breathe out... 

Now I just need to let go of my grip and grab the other window's edge... yeah... easy... yeah...

*elevator doors closing*


I almost slipped my foot.

It must be Jennie-fuck-fuck-fuck.

I grab again the edge of Jennie's window with both arms extended and try to raise my foot-nope-not goona to work-fuck.

*footsteps in the corridor back to Jennie's room*

Shit... shit.

I do a pull-up and start to climb again through the window with one knee already on the ledge.

*footsteps stop*

Without a second thought-aish-I throw myself to the inside of the living room and fall over a vase of flowers.

"Omo," I broke a leaf.

 "... Mianhae..." 

I break it even more... and throw it through the window... letting it fly.

I close the window.


I turn around... and it's Jennie. She is wearing loose pants and a shirt too, and... she's with a  bouquet of flowers in her hands.

She looks at me, and I start to move innocently away from the window, walking in her direction.

"... Are you okay? Who was it?"

"It-it was just someone congratulating me for the... weeding," she opens the trash can and throws the flowers into the garbage.

She looks even more nervous than when she left... she is obviously stressed about something. It seems almost as if... she is scared...?

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