[62.2] Mar 20, 2023 - Monday 13:17 [197]

184 16 1

| Residence

"Thank you for the ice cream... and leaving me more confused..." I close her car door.

"You're welcome," she chuckles.


♪ [ ~ Memo - Years & Years ~ ]

I open the door, take out my shoes and change into my slippers.

"You took your time getting home..."

I widen my eyes still looking at my slippers, look up and see Jennie against my window, arms crossed and a serious expression on her face as she watches me.

"Hm... I didn't know you... were here waiting for me..." I say, stepping inside and letting go of my bag and stuff on the counter.

"... Why are you here...?"

"I don't know... I don't know why I even came here," she starts to walk away, but as she passes by me, I reach out and hold her wrist.

"... Let go of me!" she frees herself.


"You kissed her!" she pushes me away.

"You kissed X and looked directly at me, on purpose to provoke me... Jennie... just give up... as much you say you want, you can't see me with other people... just let me be with you..."

"No! And don't put this on me. Of all people, Sana?! You are telling me you actually like her? It's always her, what she has, huh? It was worth it...? Kissing her and whatever you did with her...?"

"Jennie I just want to be with you..." I lean closer to her.

"We are not going to happen! And stop saying you did it just to get to me... I saw you... how you kissed her!"

I press my lips.

"... Ya! Don't fucking laugh in my face! I ended this because I care about you... and you... the first thing you did was think how to hurt me..." she starts to walk towards the door and I hold her arm. 

"Stop caring then, I want this... stay... I want to be with you..."

"That's why you went with her? What happened?!"

I chuckle.

She hits me.

"Calm down..." I hold her hands.

"You were with her or not...?!"

"Say you want me back..."

"What...? No..."

I grab her like a package of rice.

"... Lisa!!" she hits my back-ai-aish.

I take her to the sofa and lie on top of her.

"Say it..."

"... Say you want me all to yourself... that I can't be anyone's, only yours... entirely, exclusively yours..."

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