[53.2] Feb 12, 2023 - Sunday 12:57 [161]

184 15 0

| Jennie's Parent's House

We ate lunch... yeah... I ate with Jennie parent's... just the four of us... one table... it was... awkward... but, a kinda good of awkward... but nonetheless... awkward... yes...

They are... nice... and... happy... and they did, bombarded Jennie with lots of questions to the point where she just nodded her head... but it was cute...

They also asked me a lot of questions... and every time they talk to me, I feel like they're going to ask...

"Here Lisa, you have to try my special cake," her mother places a piece of cake on my plate.

Jennie chuckles in her seat.

"Mhm, thank you." 

I try it.

"So, Lisa, what do your parents do...?" I look at Jennie's mother and swallow the piece of cake.

"The cake is really good..."

She smiles and I gulp.

"Ah... my dad is a chef in a restaurant..."

"Oh, really? We have to go there and try it then."

"The restaurant is actually in another country," I chuckle.

"... But he's really good..."

"You must miss him a lot..."

"Ah... he comes to visit sometimes..."

"And your mom...?"

Jennie looks at me with a worried face... but... I never talked to her about this... fuck... I should have already done this...

I see my hand tremble and I put it beneath the table, over my lap.

This is normal... why I can't talk about this without starting to tremble... how should I start...? Using words before this gets weird... using words, exactly...

"Ah... my mom and my dad used to run a restaurant together here... but, ah... a few years ago... my mom..."

Control your voice...

"... Died..." I put another piece of cake in my mouth.

"I'm sorry to hear that... how did it happen, if you don't mind asking."

"Ah, cancer..."


"In her blood..."

"When they found out...? How all happened, did--"

Jennie grabs my hand which is still shaking under the table.


"No, it's okay... it evolved quite fast, after a month that my mother started feeling sick, the doctors started saying they couldn't do anything, that she wouldn't be able to resist for long, but she managed to fight it for five months..."

I give them a small smile and eat the last piece of the cake I still have left. I look down, starting to gather the crumbs on the table with my hand.

"Don't worry, Lisa... she will always be watching you..."

I shiver and clench my jaw.

"Ah, mhm..."

I give Mrs. Kim a small smile and she starts to take out the plates.

I get up too, start to grab mine and Jennie's plates and place them on the counter next to the others.

"Oh thank you, but I'll do it now," Jennie's mother says and chuckles.

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