[69] Apr 22, 2023 - Saturday 10:19 [230]

112 14 0

| Cafe Near Jisoo's Residence

♪ [ ~ Unconditional - Acoustic - Sinéad Harnett ~ ]

"Jennie... can I move my head up now...?" I ask, with my upper body lowered on the passenger side of her car.

"I just want to be sure we are not being followed..."

"... Okay, you can go... oh, and besides the coffees and the list we made with them, I forgot, can you get me the--"

"Brownies too, yeah, don't worry, ten minutes and I'll be right back," I say as I get out of the car and... as I also feel my spine again... ne...

I enter the cafe and wait in line, looking back at her car parked from time to time.

Jennie and I went out to just grab breakfast for the four of us... Jisoo and I barely slept last night... but nothing out of the ordinary happened... I think this rush of knowing that something wrong can happen at any moment will have to be something I have to learn to live with... at least for a while... it never went away... and I can feel that Jennie is just as anxious...


I grab the bags and--


Jennie is pressing a man against her car door.

I run to them.

She's pressing her forearm against the man's throat. The man is visible in pain, trying to get free.

"Wh-what happened?" I ask looking like an idiot, holding the two bags in my hands not knowing where to put them.

"Get this crazy woman out of me, please," the man pleads between groans of pain.

Jennie's eyes are dark, her gaze turns even colder as she presses with even more strength her forearm in silence.


The man looks really scared and to be honest so am I.

Jennie stays silent, scanning his face... traces of confusion gradually starts to take over her features as she continues to observe him... she lets him go and gives a few footsteps back, with her head down.

"I... I'm sorry...." she doesn't look away from the floor. The man lets out an angry sigh as he straightens his clothes.

"Sorry?! I just asked for the nearest mall, and you attacked me out of nowhere!" the man yells and she doesn't take her eyes off the ground, flinching with each escalating outburst from the man at her.

"Okay, okay," I put myself in front of the man.

"... She said sorry."

"That doesn't change anything! I'm going to call the police!"

Jennie stays silent behind me.

"We are sorry, there's no need to call the police... that was just... ah-misunderstanding... please."

The man sighs and looks at us with annoyance etched on his face.

"Whatever, I'm late..."

"Thank you..."

The man waves his hands, dismissively in my face, turns away and walks off, distancing himself from us.

Jennie enters the car and I do the same.

"... Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I just thought..." she breathes deeply and looks at me.

"I know..." I rub her knee.

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