[52] Feb 11, 2023 - Saturday 19:42 [160] 🐿️

173 14 0

| Restaurant Near University

Rosé and I are waiting for the rest of the people she invited at the entrance of the restaurant.

"I can't believe you're going to say you're going with her...!" Rosé says.

"Rosé... is your birthday... breath..."

"Arghh... oh... hi, Nayeon."

I chuckle.

"Happy birthday."

"Thank you, Chaeyoung and Mina are already inside."

Rosé quickly changes her expression towards me as soon as Nayeon enters. I chuckle.

"Rosé is just a day... and we are going to do a project."

"Save it..."

Joy comes and Rosé hugs her, hyped. Joy kisses her cheek.

I chuckle and look behind them... Jennie and Jisoo are coming.

Joy goes inside and Jennie and Jisoo get near.

Jennie hugs Rosé and kisses her cheek multiple times. 

She lets Rosé go, and Rosé looks at Jisoo who's lost looking at something on the other side of the road.

Jennie and I look at them...

"Hi, Lisa. Can you show me the table?" Jennie asks.

"Oh-ah... hi... yeah... come..."

Jennie follows me but we... kinda... yeah, we're almost tripping, as we both keep looking back as we walk.

"I didn't know a game store had opened here..." Jisoo says.

Rosé chuckles and Jisoo looks at her.

"... Hi, dork... oh... wow... okay..." Jisoo chuckles.



"What, nerd...? What horrible character do I remind you of today?"

"None... you just look beautiful..." Jisoo chuckles and kisses Rosé's cheek.

"... Happy birthday, Rosé..."

"Mhm..." Rosé looks at Jisoo like she's going to say something.

Jennie puts her jacket on the back of her chair, next to mine, almost breaking her neck as she keeps looking at them.

I chuckle.

And Rosé... no... she just turned around and is coming, leaving Jisoo furrowing her eyebrows confused.

Rosé sits next to me and Jisoo comes and sits next to her.

Rosé grabs the menu but is looking at Jisoo who's taking out her jacket... wait... it's the vest Rosé gave her...

"So, have you all decided?" the waiter asks.

Rosé is still looking at the menu, but her eyes are not reading, they are focused on a fixed point.

"Rosé...?" I whisper.

"... Food, Rosé..."

She wakes up.

"Ah, yes... we are ready to order..."


"My parents asked me again if you can go or not... that they want you to come... my mom is already excited, preparing everything without even knowing your answer... you know what she's like... a bit too much sometimes... but I promise I won't let her suffocate you... well, with almost everything besides her asking you to try her cake... you will have to try it..."

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