[56] Feb 19, 2023 - Sunday 11:40 [169]

152 16 0


| Residence


I move fast towards my phone but... wait...


"Is not yours..." Jennie says sleepy, as she grabs her phone.

"What... wae...? Why did you put an alarm too...?"

"Shh, I just woke up..." she says angy, closes her eyes and lies on top of me again.


"No talk... just cuddle..."



I hug her.

"You feel better from your wound...?"

"Mhm, no more talk."


Even though I didn't sleep many hours... I do remember the dream I just woke up from...

♪ [ ~ Monarquia - Diogo Piçarra, Bispo ~ ]

I don't think it was a nightmare... just one more weird dream as usual...

I was on a high hill... mountain... I don't know... but like in the middle of it, against a rugged dirt wall and dirt path where only my feet fit and barely... but still, I was moving forward... I kept sensing an underlying presence beneath me. Peering downwards, all I saw was the mountain itself,  a new ground-level path and another high hill on the opposite side. 

This new path below, in the middle of the hills, was paved with stone, adorned with green branches that grew intertwining through the carved rocks... the whole atmosphere felt like... a jungle... and at the end of the stone path, the same direction I was heading... a grand set of stairs emerged, all in stone too, that led to... a throne... and don't ask me how... but it felt like it belonged to a queen and not a king... but it looked old and in ruins... as I followed the dirt path on the hill, I started almost slipping and feeling like I was going to fall from there... but I never did...

Far cry? Minecraft? Tomb Raider again...? My brain trying to say I'm stupid for agreeing...? I don't know... but the idea... of Jennie on a throne and me living in her monarchy... I don't know, brain... doesn't seem so bad... but jungle...? Doesn't seem much like her style...

I chuckle.

She moves her head up so I turn myself to face her.

She opens her eyes sleepy.

"I missed waking up with you..." she utters the words slowly, closing her eyes and opening them again, smiling.

I kiss her cheek.

"I missed it too..."


"What are you doing up?" I ask, seeing her come out of the bedroom and walk towards me, to the counter.

"I was thinking... what if I go with you?"

"What... to my aunt? I don't think that's a good idea."

"You introduce me as a friend..." she places her hand on the pocket of my jeans and pulls it.

"... And we would make out when we are alone. I don't see why is a bad idea."

I lift her pyjama sweater a little and look at her bandage.

At least looks clean and dry.

"... Just rest, okay...?"

She looks at me annoyed.

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