[18.2] Oct 12, 2022 - Wednesday 03:00 [38]

230 17 0

| Residence

The kdrama is so good that Jennie and I stayed here all day and... night... we just stopped to get food from the kitchen and jumped onto the sofa again.

... EP13

"No... he can't be dead like this..." she says and starts to cry.

I'm already crying over here too but I'm trying to contain it.

"... Let's just watch one more... I want to know what happens," she says and I just nod 'cause I'm here almost choking in silence.

... EP15

[ ~ Who Are You - Sam Kim ~ ]

The woman that had lost her memories... now... she's remembering everything. The drama starts to show flashbacks of them falling in love.

"I missed you," she runs awkwardly in despair to find the man that she is deeply in love with, and I... the fucking music starts to play.

I'm already here, silently wiping the salty trails that reach my lips.

Jennie is already sobbing.

"... I miss you! Where are you? I miss you!" the woman screams desperately.

The scream, the scenes... they find each other... my tears run down my face and don't stop, and I don't give a fuck, I am already here sobbing too.

The man holds her, and they kiss desperately while crying.

Jennie and I are here fucking crying too, like two idiots.

They kiss again, ahh, I can't.

I place my hand over my face, below my glasses, leaving only my eyes free to keep watching.

I hear Jennie chuckle between her sobs.

"I can't believe you're crying."

"You're crying too!"

She sobs and starts to lean over me. She hugs my stomach and places her head on my chest facing the TV.

She is sobbing as much as I am, so I feel her chest going up and down on top of me.

"... Jennie... you're making me cry even more..." what the fuck is happening? This kdrama is making me cry like I never did.

Their love for each other is so... I can't explain it, it's just... too much.

Just like me, I feel Jennie gradually breathing more controlled and less violently.

We just stay like this as the episode ends.

That's not even the fucking final episode, what are they trying to do? Murder me?!

She breathes out deeply.


I do the same.

I'm. Re. Co. Ve. Ring.

[ ~ The Few Things - JP Saxe ~ ]

She crosses her arms over my chest, rests her chin on top of them and smiles, still with her breathing a little affected by what happened.

Her eyes are not so red anymore... but the skin around them is already with red marks.

"You act so cold and heartless... and now here you are, crying with a drama," she says.

"And what about it...?!"

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