[75.2] Jun 10, 2023 - Saturday 20:26 [279]

123 15 0

| Small Fair-Park in a Remote Village

♪ [ ~ Love Story (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift ~ ]

I walk through the people, looking at the tents on both sides... I used to go here when I was really young with my parents... the smells of the food... the screams... the laughs... the sounds that come from the carousels area... it's really strange to relive them as a grown-up...


[Jisoo: She just sent me a message saying she is there parking her car, and that she was not followed]

[Jisoo: Behave or not... but I want her back until midnight, don't forget]

[Lisa: Thank you! I won't, I promise]


I walk along the one-way road near the entrance while looking at both sides... both are filled with cars parked in line... there... it's her car... I press my lips and lower myself... her car is parked on the opposite side of the fair, where all that is behind the road is a wide pine forest... I keep walking behind the line of cars towards her.

I stay with my body slightly crouched and press my back against her passenger car door... she's going to kill me...

I grab a stick and a white tissue...

I move up.



I groan in pain on the ground... of course Jennie's first instinct would be to automatically swing the door wide open making me fall into this... small ditch.

"Lisa?!" she says surprised as she gets out of her car.

While on the ground, I wave my white flag to her smiling.

She walks towards me in a hurry as I stand up.

"Hi, you..." I say, dusting off my clothes.

"What are you doing here?! Jisoo said... I... both of you planned this..."

"Don't be angry with her... be with me if you want..."

"Oh, and I am... a lot... idiot..."

I smile and hold her waist, pressing her against her car.

"I missed you..."

"You are making this so difficult..." she hits the back of her head on the door.

I run my fingers through her hair, smiling...

"I want to be okay with you... stop pushing me away... I'm not going anywhere... I thought I had already made it clear... so skip this, whatever you are trying to do... don't you want to be okay with me too?"

"... Hm...?" I trace with my fingers a path down through her arm and intertwine our hands.

"... Just say... ne..." 

She opens her hand more and tightens her grip on mine, but stays silent.

"... I talked with Jisoo... and... she told me about Sana..."

"We are going to meet at dawn with everyone again... and I know..." she looks at me a bit annoyed.

"... How much you care about her... so I was just waiting to be sure before telling you..."

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