[87] Aug 5, 2025 - Tuesday 10:19 [1066]

98 13 0

| G. Entertainment Building

"Do you know the news?!" Bambam leans on my desk.

"What...?" I ask.

"You know that trip they're making us go... because of the new product launch, that they're going to introduce near the new year's..."

"Hm..." I nod. 

"Is going to be in Paris!" 


"We are invited to go to those fancy parties... new year's, in Paris... Lisa?!"


"Aish, I thought you would be excited... I'm going to tell Rosé, Jisoo can come too, they allow us to bring a plus one!"

I see him go... and chuckle as Rosé and him hold hands, they start to do mini-jumps in the middle of the office.

I breathe deeply...


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