[91.3] Feb 6, 2026 - Friday 01:42 [1251]

103 14 0

| Hospital

I rearrange my jacket better over Mateo... and... see... ah... Somi...? I can't believe she's the first to come... she's ah...? Lost in the entrance of the hospital like she's looking for something in despair...

I get up and she looks at me... widens her eyes and starts walking towards me in a hurry...

I rub my eyes trying to ease the burn I feel on the skin around them...

"Omo, oh no, ani, ani..." she waves her hands in the air as she gets close.

I clench my jaw, confused with her state... she seems a bit crazy right now...

She looks at Mateo sleeping and then back at me.

"... I was with Mateo-I-I was supposed to find you-and get Mrs. Kim purse-tha-that's what they asked me to do, your aunt, Jisoo, Rosé, everyone, but I couldn't find you anywhere-and then he disappeared-and I-I bumped into the bodyguards-argh-they are so stupid, it's you-they--"


"She's not dead...! Lisa... she woke up..."



"She... she did...?" I start to cry again...

"Omo... mianhae... I should have found you sooner... they were just doing their job... there's still one member out... it's better for everyone to think she's dead... but not you of course...!"

"Where is she...? Where is everyone...?"

She controls her breath.

"Right now, besides Jennie... X that was out of the country... I still need to find a way to tell him before this comes out... but everyone is at your aunt's house now... and as I said... I was supposed to be the one to tell you and come grab you... we didn't want to risk telling over the phone... everything happened so fast... your aunt wanted to move her right away to a safer place when she woke up... I didn't get to see her... nobody still did... just tomorrow they will let us go... I mean today, 'cause it's 2 am..."

I breathe deeply.

"... Are you ready...?"

"I really love and hate you right now..."

"I understand... I understand... Mateo... come... because of me... I think the three of us... will have to have a little talk as we drive... ahhh... fu--"

"Fork..." I say over her.

Somi turns around, looks at me and at Mateo, who's starting to walk beside me... and nods...

"Mhm... fork..."


| My Aunt's House

"Jisoos, what happened?!" Rosé grabs my face as I step one foot inside the house with Mateo and Somi.

"... Why were you crying so much? Is it all happy tears? What happened?!"

Somi walks a bit further, handing Mateo and the purse to Jennie's parents.

"I might... have found Lisa a bit too late... so they told her the story that Jennie died..."

"Somi?!" my aunt shouts, and Jisoo huffs mad as she gets nearer me.

"I said that it should have been me and Jisoo to get her!" Rosé says angrily as she cups my face... I hold her hands...

"I'm okay..."

"Argh..." Rosé groans at Somi.

"... Jisoo was right not to like you!"

Somi gasps and Jisoo widens her eyes.

"To be clear... that was before we found out you were on our side too..." Jisoo says.

"Hey-hey..." I say.

"... Can everyone stop... and just tell me where Jennie is... how she is...?"

"We can't see her this late at night... only at 8 am now..." my aunt says.

"... They said that her condition is still too fragile due to the infection, so she still needs to be in an isolation room for now... but that she is responding well to the first tests they did... and... they also told me... that she said she really wants to see all of you..." she says looking at Rosé, me and Jisoo...

"... So you guys better not be late..."

She breathes deeply.

"... Now that everyone knows the situation... we can all meet in a few hours or me and Mr. Hoo can help you find a room..."

"Thank you... but Mr. Kim, Mateo and I should go... we will meet you all tomorrow..." Mrs. Kim says.

We bid them goodbye and Rosé stays hugging me as Jisoo pats my back...

"Miss Somi... would you like to get a room here then...?" Mr. Hoo asks.

"I'll stay with Han Sohee..."

Mr. Hoo and the three of us change slowly our gaze from Somi to my aunt...

"Ani! Ani, you won't... why would she... there's no reason why would she..."

"Maybe because we are dating..." Somi says bluntly.

"Ah-we are not...!" my aunt starts climbing up the stairs, ignoring her and us...

Somi follows her and glances at us.

"We are..." she whispers and goes after her...

"Wow..." Rosé says.

"... Jisoo and I were already planning on staying here with you... but now I'm even more convinced... loved the drama... I didn't know that your aunt likes girls..."

"I didn't know too..."

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