[50] Feb 6, 2023 - Monday 09:36 [155]

194 15 0

| University

Where is Rosé?!



I see Rosé at the entrance of the uni with Jisoo, Jennie and... X... but fuck it.


I run.


I jump to her back, making her almost fall. Hehe.

"Aigo! You scared me..." Rosé says.

Jennie looks at me a bit in shock and with a confused face.

I cough and let go of Rosé.

"... What happened?"

Nobody fails the big final project, I just need to take time to do it... and this new semester's class that I have chosen has no exam, so...

I smirk.

"I'm graduating this year too, I passed the exam, I even got seventeen..."

Rosé widens her eyes and smiles.

"See, I knew you would, stupid!" she slaps my arm and pulls me into a hug right after.

I feel Jisoo pat my back.

"Congratulations, kiddo... Rosé-ya! Let her breathe."

I chuckle.

As I hug Rosé, I see Jennie acting a bit restrained, but looking at me smiling.

I give her a small smile too.

Rosé finally lets me go.

"Congratulations, Lisa," I froze a bit... because... X said it.

Jennie looks awkwardly at both of us in silence, almost panicking as soon as X spoke.

"Ah, thank you..."

"I have to go to my class..." he says to Jennie, looks at me and then smiles at Jennie.

"... Bye, babe."

He looks at Jennie like his waiting... she looks at me and then at him.

"Ah-ah, I'll walk you to your door."

They go and I look at the floor, breathing out.

"Awkward..." Rosé says.

"Rosé...!" Jisoo says.

I chuckle.

"I'm going to my class too," I turn around and start to go.

"I'm proud of my child!" I chuckle, hearing Rosé.

"... I love you!"

People start looking at me.

"... I want you to say it back!"

I turn around and see Jisoo laughing, trying to shut up Rosé, who's also laughing.

"Can you not...? I love you..."

"I didn't hear you!"

I cover my face with my hand. I'm already flustered with these people looking at me.

"I love you too! Bye!" I say fast and Jisoo and Rosé laugh.

"... Aish..."


I'm already here sitting, with my laptop opened, in the almost last row waiting for the teacher to come.

This room is way cooler than the others. It must be because we are a small class since all our year had three options to choose from.

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