[45] Jan 13, 2023 - Friday 08:41 [131]

171 14 3

| University

♪ [ ~ Mirage - Elina ~ ]

I open the doors to the hallway.

Jisoo is going to take the exam in a different room, so I'm just walking down this hallway that goes through that room first.

I want to wish her good luck and... if I see... Jennie because she's in that same room is just a pure coincidence...

I don't know what was that last night... but I'm a mess... hearing her crying saying she misses me... I miss her so much too... even though we are not together... I just want to see her, so badly...

I want to see her gummy smile, the brown eyes that I'm so obsessed with, damn... even receive all those slaps as strong as she wants that she counted yesterday.


It's worth every pain.

At every footstep, as I get nearer the heavier is becoming to breathe.

Why I'm getting so nervous just at the thought of seeing her...?

Stop smiling, idiot...

Oh, I think is here. I see Jihyo and Jeongyeon already.


Yeah... don't smile...

Jennie is kissing X near the door...

I clench my jaw and turn around.

Let's just... text Jisoo instead... our room... yeah... no... no... don't cry, stupid.


I think what hurts the most is realizing... like... at the Christmas party... or at the dinner... she avoids kissing him in front of me... but... when I see them and they don't notice me... is always her who takes initiative in everything...

Well... if she's trying to not hurt me... she can stop trying...

Because it's over... please be over...


I feel someone hug me from behind.

"Oh! Did you come to wish me good luck?"

I chuckle at the familiar voice as I rub my eyes.

Sana comes to my front smiling.

"Ah-hi, I was, ah..."

She chuckles.

"Calm down, I know you are here for Jennie who is... right there... occupied... so just nod okay with me."


She nods smiling.

"... Oh-okay..." I nod confused.

"Do you really like... that... girl...?"

"Don't use that tone to talk about her."

She chuckles.

"Easy tiger, I was not being mean."

I clench my jaw and look away.

"... I was just asking as a concerned friend..."

"Sana, I don't want to talk about this right now... and I have to go to my room... can I go?"

She chuckles.


I chuckle.

"What do you want?"

"Just to be sure this isn't a stupid crush and you really like her... so?"

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