[47] Jan 15, 2023 - Sunday 18:14 [133]

151 14 0

| My Aunt's House

I just found out that the university fucking had the nerve to add a new class to the second semester. 

We were supposed to do just a big individual final project... arghh... and now we will have to do both things... I thought my days of going to classes were over.

It's not my fucking fault they want to renew the system. I have all the credits according to the old one!

I punch the sandbag.

And the grades of one of the exams also came out... and I fucking failed!

I punch it again.

Now I'll have to do a last chance exam and if I fail, I automatically need one more year in uni, but then I'll lose my scholarship... arghh... and the worst part is... I really tried... I did all the previous exams but they were so different, and the classes had nothing to do with the exam questions, fuck, fuck everything... nothing that I care about, fucking works out right!

I punch it again, harder.

Maybe they are right... I'm cursed... and I should have never been born...

I punch it again.

But guess what? I didn't ask to fucking be born! 

I punch it again.

Maybe whatever happens... fucking happens... and I should just fucking go!

I punch it even harder.

I breathe out looking at the bag swaying and... smile.

"Imagining anyone's face there...?" my aunt asks raising her eyebrows.

"No..." I chuckle smiling.

I know I seem a bit crazy right now... is just... when I thought of reasons to stay... I thought about myself... and then what is around me and... when I thought about... Rosé... it's really just game over...

I would be lying if I said someone else didn't cross my mind first... which is unfair to Chipmunk... 'cause Rosé's love is the only one who doesn't break my heart... the only one who feels unconditional on both sides...

I cough and breathe deeply.

I was punching a bag, yes-yes.

I punch the bag.


These trains with my aunt are actually helping to clear my head a lot... I like how it makes me feel, and I like the actual sport too. I'm starting to get really into this. 

I'm training hand-to-hand with my aunt right now and... I'm spending most of the time on the floor... and it's not great the way I'm getting there...

She chuckles.

"Let's practice defensive drills again... are you ready?"


"When you block, pay attention to how I start the punch. This will help you create muscle memory and you will react easily next time."


"Now faster."



I sit on the bench breathing deeply.

"You did alright today."

I smile.

"Thank you... gomo...? Do you still have time before work?"


"Do you know anything about the murder cases that have been appearing in my city?"

She also sits down and drinks the water from her bottle, looking at me.

She finishes and smiles at me.

"You know I can't talk about it."

"But... this new group, they have clear targets, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"If they just go after rival groups or something like that?"

"Yes... and no... but you don't need to worry... it's always someone who gets in their way somehow, like a deal that went wrong, someone who disrespected them, tried to bring them down, or..." she looks at her bottle.

"... Even worse... someone who tries to betray them..." she breathes out.

"... But of course, it has everything to go wrong if they are spoiled brats who think they know everything, and can't follow a few simple fucking rules... rules made to protect those imbeciles...!"

I look at her in silence...

"... Just... forget what I said... Thai?"

"Ah, what?"

"What do you think about ordering Thai tonight?"

"Oh, mhm."

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