[88] Dec 31, 2025 - Wednesday 23:24 [1214]

124 14 0

| High Building in Paris

♪ [ ~ everyone at this party - Camila Cabello ~ ]

I'm leaning against a big window looking at the city view... it started raining heavily a few minutes ago, so everyone on the balcony came inside... everything is so glamorous... that I'm almost feeling bad in the middle of all this...

I... didn't want to ask Jisoo... because it would be weird... 'cause... we are over her... that's what we tell everybody...

I breathe deeply...

But Jisoo indirectly said... Jennie... fuck... saying her name not even out loud... it still hurts... ah... that she is not going be here... that she is in another country right now...

So... there's not a chance that... I'll run into her here... unless she wants to run into me... but... it's been more than two years... there isn't any reason why she should want it...

It's probably for the best... we were doomed from the start... 

I always said she didn't need me... but as more days go by... I'm more sure that... she might not need me... but... I do...

There's something... that everywhere I go... I involuntarily catch myself looking over everyone's shoulders... trying to find you... but I never do...

"Hey..." Jisoo appears in front of me with a glass of champagne. I look away, more to the window wiping my eyes, and glance at her as I grab the drink.

"... What are you doing here alone...? Come near us again... Bambam and Rosé spent the last twenty minutes gossiping... I can't handle them alone..."

I chuckle and nod, starting to walk with her.

"Who's going to tell them... that everyone can hear them gossiping...?"

Jisoo chuckles.

"I got so embarrassed with her... not even five minutes ago... you're not really seeing it..."

I chuckle and breathe deeply looking at my glass.

Jisoo stares at me in silence.

"... Drink... I feel like you will need that drink for tonight..."

A rush of anxiety fills every part of my body...

"What do you mean...?"

Jisoo smirks and sips from her glass.

"Bambam and Rosé... put up with them... we will need a lot of strength..."

"Oh... yeah..."


♪ [ ~ Yellow Lights - Harry Hudson ~ ]


"Shit..." I say.

"What...?" Jisoo asks.

"It's only almost ten minutes left to midnight..."

"I'm so anxious..." Rosé says over me.

"I need to go back to my car..." I say.

"What?! Wait here for midnight and then go," Jisoo says.

"I want to grab my phone which is in my car before midnight. I'll be right back... I'll be quick..." I say and start to run.

"But you have your phone with you...!" I hear Rosé's confused voice.

"Lisa!" I also hear Jisoo...

It will be fast...


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