[85] Apr 9, 2024 - Tuesday 09:04 [583]

99 13 0

| G. Entertainment Building

I sit next to Bambam.

"Bambam, you were at the party all night, right?"

"Hm..." he blinks his eyes.

"Did you see me dance with the girl you left me with for a short moment?"

"Girl...? I didn't see you dance with anyone... after I came back to you, you literally passed out in my arms..."

"Yeah... thank you for bringing me home... I don't remember anything..." I say innocently. 

"... But do you know at least who was the girl?"

"Yeah... she also works here in the building..." he looks at me teasingly.

"Argh, just help me find her..."


I walk through the outdoor break room... and I find her... she's eating at a table, sitting on a bench...

Is her... the girl has, indeed... black hair... dark brown eyes... she is similar... but she's not... my Nini...

Did I really kiss a stranger thinking it was someone else...?

I breathe deeply.

"I'm sorry... can I sit?"

The girl chokes on her food as she sees me... that's a good start... okay...

She signals yes. 

I sit.

"... I'm sorry, I don't remember much about what happened last night..."

"Oh, it's okay... we were both drunk..."

"So... you danced with me?"


"And... you..."

"... You... kissed me...?"

"Sorry about that, you looked really cute... I shouldn't have done it..."

"Oh... it's okay... but-ah..." I look at her hands... and back at her...

"I'm sorry, that was a one-time thing... I don't want anything to ever happen between us again!"

I clench my jaw surprised by her sincere intensity... I was just processing what happened, ma'am...


"I didn't mean to be rude... you are really dreamy but-ah, I just can't..." she gets up in a hurry and walks away from me...



"I-" I get up from the bench and look around me confused...

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