[89.2] Jan 04, 2026 - Sunday 05:51 [1218]

99 15 0

| Hospital

♪ [ ~ could cry just thinking about you - Full Version - Troye Sivan ~ ]

Jisoo, Rosé, and I burst into the lobby behind the medics that are transporting Jennie...

Everything is so blurry... police are all over the hospital in every hallway... I hear Rosé crying... Jisoo talking to the medics... and Jennie... unconscious lying down on the stretcher...

People block us from keeping following her... as she crosses the doors inside a hallway in the direction of the operation block... starting each passing second to be more distant from me... until she disappears from my view...


"... Lisa..." I turn to the voice... is Rosé... she starts to hug me... I look numbly at the doors swinging back and forth until they close...

I feel a hand on my arm...

"Miss, you need to come with me... you need to treat your cut too..." 

And... I turn around as I hear another familiar voice... are Jennie's parents...

Mrs. Kim walks towards us crying... angrily...

"What did you do to our little girl?!" she points to me and Mr. Kim holds her...

"... She's there because of you!"

"Mian-joesonghamnida..." I say with a tone that came out so frail... it's my first words after...

"What were you really to Jennie?!" she keeps screaming at me.

"Jennie was... is... my best friend..."

She hits my chest crying... the pain... the despair as she grabs me and pushes me... 

Her daughter... Jennie... is like this because of me...

"... Joesonghamnida... joesonghamnida..." that's all I can repeat as I let her hurt me... Rosé starts to push me away from Jennie's mother... Mr. Kim pushes his wife too... and Jisoo stays in the middle trying to calm her down... 

Mrs. Kim keeps sobbing, trying to get free of Mr. Kim's embrace... 

"You're forbidden to see her!! I'll make sure no one lets you see her... honey! Our little monster..." she cries falling to her knees as Mr. Kim holds her... he looks at me... his teary heartbroken eyes... he nods... as... I should go... 

I start walking backwards... my presence is clearly not welcome here...


Someone treated my cut and I'm reaching dazedly the outside of the hospital holding Rosé... she's visibly trying to stop herself... but she can't stop crying... I hug her in silence... still... without knowing what to feel... 

What is happening...? 

Is this really happening...?

I don't want to live in a world where she's not in it... 

You sacrificed your life for me... when before you I didn't even want to live... 

I can't live without you, Jennie...

"Lisa... you can cry..." Rosé says with a lovingly and worried look...

I look at her numbly and nod... and hug her tightly trying to breathe deeply... 'cause... until now I just can hold in... small amounts of air at each time...

"... You can talk with me..."

"I don't want to talk... but... please stay with me..."

I feel her hug me tightly...


Jisoo comes with tired, teary eyes... and places her hand on my shoulder and rubs Rosé's back...

"I tried to convince Mrs. Kim... but I couldn't... she already demanded you can't see Jennie..."

"But... I want to see her..."

"I'll talk to my aunt... she works here... don't worry... we will find a way..."

"Do you know how she is...?" I catch my breath. 

"... Nobody tells us anything..."

"Jennie... she... lost too much blood... she's stable now, but... her body entered a coma..."


"... Lisa...?" I look back at Jisoo...


I nod...

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