[92] Feb 6, 2026 - Friday 08:14 [1251]

103 14 0

| Military Hospital

I'm with Rosé waiting, sitting on the chairs of the room... other people are also here to see other people in the intensive room...

Jennie's parents already saw her and had to go... Jisoo is coming now... for security, is one person at a time... so... since Rosé said for me to go next... that means... is my turn... to see her...

I get up and let Jisoo sit... she moves her back against the chair and smiles at me...

♪ [ ~ Portrait - Joe Layne ~ ]

I breathe deeply and start walking towards the nurse that is at the door waiting for me...

"Since you can't actually go inside her room... you don't need to wear any sterile covers... but please don't touch anything... she is behind a glass wall, so you guys will not be able to hear each other, but still can see... is because she's too fragile now and we can't take the risk of her being contaminated with anything more... okay...?" the nurse says as she walks side by side with me...

I nod...


"Are you... Lisa?" 


She smiles.

"Jennie already talked so much about you... you know... after she woke up... you were the first person she asked about..."

I smile nervously, feeling my eyes getting watery.

"... She is a strong girl. She made it through the hardest part... she's going to be fine..."

~ she's going to be fine... ~

"... And she's right there... look..." I look in the direction of the woman's gaze and...






I see Jennie... she's lying on the bed with her upper body a bit lifted... she's awake... with her brown soft eyes open looking at me... smiling with her gummy smile...

"... Stay here behind the wall okay? And just five minutes...."


I feel my eyes burning... I want to cry so bad, but I also want to be strong for my strongest girl... I don't want her to see me cry and worry her... I want to reassure her that everything is going to be fine, that she doesn't need to stress about anything, and just take care of her now...

She waves and I have too...

She looks so tired but still so happy... her eyes, her brown tired, dark eyes looking at me so softly... but... it seems like they are getting red too... like she's trying to stop herself from crying too as she keeps smiling at me...

She looks down and points to my hand, smiling more teasingly...

I look at my hand confused... and back at her... still confused...

She smiles even more...

She points to her index finger...

I look back and smile... oh, my ring... she's pointing to my ring...

She starts to point to her chest.

I don't understand what she means... and she is starting to get annoyed with me because of it...

Aww... I missed that angy look so much...

She starts to mouth things but I can't hear her... so I keep not understanding it... she starts to get even more cutely annoyed...

"They..." I say, trying to mirror her.

"... They..."

"... To-oo-ok..."

"... Took..."

"... My ring..."

"... Oh, oh" 

I nod no.

"... Me, me" I point to myself.

"... I have it... me, me..."

She looks confused at me...

"... It's on..."

"... My..."

"... Jacket..." I gesture a jacket and a pocket.

She furrows her eyebrows tiredly... and starts trying to mouth words again.

"... My... jacket?" she points to herself...

I chuckle smiling and nod yes...

"Miss, we need to go now..."

Jennie hurries and starts to gesture and mouth again.





That I'm going to be fine...

I nod yes...

She keeps uttering words.




Don't worry...

She smiles, and I almost can't hold my tears anymore...

"... We need to go."


Jennie stays with an exhausted face but still smiles at me...

I smile back... and start to go...

I want to cry so bad...

I reach the waiting room again and Rosé gets up... I sit next to Jisoo.

"How did it go?" Rosé asks anxiously.

"She looks better..." I say smiling, trying my maximum to control my voice and hold back my tears...

She nods and starts to go.

Rosé left... staying just me and Jisoo...

I look at the people in front of me and around, at the nurse in front of a desk...

~ she's going to be fine... ~

I start to cry uncontrollably.

Is the first time I cry like this in front of everyone... and... the first time ever with Jisoo...

"Why are you crying now...?" Jisoo whispers and looks worried at me.

"Because they-they said... that everything is going to be fine... it feels like I don't need to be strong anymore... I feel like I finally can breathe again... " I whisper back.

"... They said that she's going to be fine, Jisoo..."

Jisoo hugs me and I hug her tightly not being able to control my sobs.

I start slowly calming down again... I move away from Jisoo... she's with watery eyes looking softly at me...

She pats my shoulder and smiles... we breathe deeply looking at each other... and we both smile...

I want a few more seconds of Jisoo's tender side... I chuckle and rest my head on her shoulder, wiping my tears...

"Jennie was right... you're so soft..." she whispers.


Jisoo chuckles, making me chuckle too...

"... So are you... I know it... you deep down are too..."

"Yeah... but you are more..."

I chuckle and... don't deny it... staying hugging her...

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