[17] Oct 10, 2022 - Monday 10:01 [36]

238 16 0

| University

A whole week went by, and no sign of Jennie.

I wanted to message her, but... it's like I was stuck between... hey, please talk to me and tell me you're alright, and... please keep ignoring me because I really need to get over you.

All these nights, I stay up just trying to do that, trying to get over you...

But ironically... while I was trying not to think about you... I was thinking about you... and while I was trying not to miss you... missing you was all I did... miss the times we walked on the road... the times we stayed up late keeping each other company... I really miss her annoyed face, her laugh... and the way she touched my hand and wanted to intertwine our fingers when we slept together...

I slept with you...

I chuckle.

I can't even process it in my brain that... that happened... you made my stupid heart so happy that night and the next day... you... I know is not her fault... it's mine because I can't let go of these feelings...

At least I will see her today in class... and my brain will get over with these stupid worries... I hope she's here. She has a class before with Rosé, so if she's not here yet... it might mean that I won't see her again for another whole week.

I breathe deeply, open the door and start walking upstairs... Rosé and Jisoo are there in the back... Jennie too... with her head on Jisoo's shoulder, silently looking at the teacher that it's here at the end of the room.

She looks tired...

I sit confused next to Rosé and look at her to try to understand what's going on.

Rosé looks back, giving me signals to not ask now.


I clench my jaw, look silently in front of me and breath out... what happened...?


The class ended and the four of us headed to the hallway. Rosé is beside me, and Jennie is in the middle of Jisoo and me. I'm starting to get anxious with her silence.

"Jennie, do you want to go out tonight?" Jisoo asks.

"Ah... I think I just want to be at home. Can we go now?" she looks at me, and I just nod yes, nervously.

"If you need me, text me," Rosé says.

"Mhm, don't worry, guys. I just need to sleep."

Rosé and Jisoo nod. They bid us goodbye and start to go. Jennie also turns around and walks, but in different directions... wait... wtf! Ya...! Ya! I turn desperately to Jisoo and Rosé, signalling them to not leave me here alone with her.

And they did... they already turned, and they are not looking back... they left me here lost... and I have no fucking clue of what's going on...

Jennie and I walk in silence out of the university and reach the road to our residence.

| Road University - Residence

[ ~ Sparks - Coldplay ~ ]

She looks tired and so lost in her thoughts.



"What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." she says looking at the ground.

"Don't say that..."

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