[73] May 21, 2023 - Sunday 15:22 [259]

114 14 0

| Hill on City's Park 

"They should have been here by now..." I say seated on the blanket, absentmindedly feeling the grass with my hand along the edge of the orange fabric... looking around through the people.

"They're only twenty minutes late, that's nothing," Rosé says with her sunglasses on, lying on the blanket next to me, feeling the sun.

"For you who have just arrived now, late as well, maybe not..." I laugh.

She waves her hand in my direction, annoyed, and I chuckle, continuing to look around us.

"Oh... my hot girl and... your... cold? Girl arrived..." she says, propping herself up on her elbows.

I chuckle and follow her gaze. Jennie is with her black sunglasses on and hm... my hoddie... my black beanie... wow... I didn't even notice they were missing... and with her head down, hiding her face, following Jisoo in front of her.

It is the first time I go out with her like this... outside... Rosé insisted... is as friends... and I'm forbidden to show her any type of affection... easy... 

I breathe out deeply, smiling at her as she sits next to me... easy...

"Hi, guys..." I say.

"Hi," Jisoo says and lies on top of Rosé, making her lie down again. 

I chuckle and look back at Jennie.

"Hi, idiot..." she takes off her sunglasses.

"Arghh... you're not wearing makeup and you're using my beanie... why are you doing this to me...?" I groan, covering my face with my hand...

She laughs.

"Ya, can both of you stop making out...?" Jennie complains and Jisoo gets up, sitting down on the blanket. Rosé moves to between her legs and rests her head on Jisoo's chest.

"It's your fault, you keep stealing my girlf--"

Jisoo raises her eyebrows smirking at Rosé, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

"... Whatever..."

Jisoo chuckles and hugs her.

"Lisa, you can't believe what happened to me in the game, have you seen the new update?"

"Yeah, the new maps are awesome... but one of them, is fucking insane," I giggle excitedly, getting near Jisoo as I open my phone.

"And here we go again..." Rosé says and starts sliding more next to Jennie, resting her head on Jennie's lap instead, feeling the sun again.

"... Why are we with them...?"

Jennie chuckles, also feeling the warmth of the sun.

"I don't know..." Jennie agrees with her. 

Jisoo and I chuckle, looking at both of them ignoring us... we exchange glances and look back at our phones.


"Where are you going?" Rosé asks as soon as she sees Jisoo getting up.

"I'm gonna see if I find a cafe to buy milk or water."

Rosé gets up.

"I'll go with you..."

"Do you guys want anything?"

Jennie and I nod no.

"Are you sure you should drink that much milk? You have a full shelf of different flavours of milk in your fridge at home..." I hear Rosé as she goes and walks side by side with Jisoo.

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