[48] Jan 16, 2023 - Monday 22:16 [134] 🐻

188 13 1

| Road to Residence

"Do you need help, miss?" a man asks.

"Oh... no, thank you, I'm just seeing."

"Seeing for the last ten minutes the same flowers...?"


He chuckles.

I look again at the orange flowers.

"I'll do a discount for you."

The price is not really the problem here, sir...


| Residence

♪ [ ~ I Almost Do (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift ~ ]

I know she was with Jisoo and Rosé during the day... from Rosé... because she didn't text me anything since that day... and neither did I... and today... I almost did... so many times...

But it's her birthday...

I know is late... that I'm late... but I just want to give her this... and that's all.

I look through the elevator mirror at the flowers I'm holding...

I rearrange my bangs and shake my hands.

I breathe out deeply.

The doors of the elevator open and I go--


Jennie is in pyjamas, closing her door with X behind her in the corridor... she is holding what looks like... a book or journal? And... a bouquet of red roses...

They are going to use the elevator, but if I go out now... they will see me... with... flowers...

Fuck, fuck.

I get back into the elevator and desperately press the elevator buttons.

I clench my jaw.

No, no.

*their footsteps getting closer*

I press the button to close doors, again and again.

Close this shit!

I press on multiple, random numbers. Go up, down, don't care, just close!


I look at the flowers.

I have nothing where I can hide them...

The door starts to close.

*their footsteps right beside me*

I press myself against the wall with the flowers on my chest.

Please no...

The doors close--

*the sound of them calling for the elevator*

I look at the numbers and to the door, to the numbers... and to the door...

My heart is beating so loud.

No... no...

The numbers start to go up... I breathe out deeply, sliding down my back against the elevator wall until I reach the floor.

I start feeling it going up.

The doors open... since I stupidly pressed on almost every button in this shit and ah-ah...

A man walks in front of the open doors, cleaning the corridor floor. As he notices me inside, he looks at me awkwardly in silence.

I also look at him awkwardly, sitting on the floor in silence too.

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