[54] Feb 13, 2023 - Monday 06:26 [162]

138 15 0

"Lisa...?" I open my eyes to Jennie's voice.

| Jennie's Parent's House

Jennie is sitting on my bed already dressed.

I rub my eyes and raise my upper body.

"Hi, Jennie... good morning..."

"Oh... I forgot how hot is your voice in the morning..."

I look at her surprised.

This is the first time... she said that word in a sentence related to me...

I can feel myself starting to get flustered.

I cough.

"... Ah..." she continues.

"... Something came up and I have to go out with my dad... so I can't go with you to the station..."

"Oh, that's okay."

"I thought about asking my mom to take you there... but knowing you..."

"Yeah, yeah... please don't... I'll just walk to there happily with my headphones on."

She chuckles.

"Okay... but she will probably ask you... and... kinda... force you to go with her... good luck..."

I chuckle and she holds my hand.

"... Thank you for coming here... I know... things didn't end in the best way..."

"Yeah... being pushed out of the bed to the floor... it didn't feel great, but it could be worse..."

She chuckles and looks at our hands.

"We can make this work, right...?"


She gets up.

"See you around, idiot...?"

"Not much choice there..."

She chuckles and leaves.


| Residence

I put my stuff on the counter and jump onto my blue sofa.

Yes... I couldn't say no to Jennie's mother... I did try tho...

I breathe deeply.

Those ten minutes drive to the station were not as awkward as I thought they would be... well... all besides the fact that Mrs. Kim thought, visibly, strange... since the days are getting less cold... me wearing a sweater and a jacket on top... all buttoned up to my neck... turns out... the training marks disappeared but a certain mark didn't...

I chuckle.

But... since I was alone with her mother for that long... I may have talked more than I usually do... and... guess what? Jennie's father... is an only child and her mother just has two sisters...

Uncle... doesn't necessarily mean a direct member of her family... could be a partner of one of her aunts or someone else... but still...

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