[24.4] Nov 1, 2022 - Tuesday 00:41 [58]

251 17 0

| Party's House

[ ~ Sanctuary - Joji ~ ]

We are again at the bar because Jennie wants to keep drinking. I don't want to because if they get drunk I have to be sober, and also... I already had one drink before and since I'm not really good with alcohol... I'm kinda afraid of what my drunk self will do... the chances of me declaring to Jennie will probably not be zero...

I, Jennie, and Rosé are against the counter. Jisoo disappeared again, and Rosé is having a silent mental breakdown in her corner... but it's a good thing that she doesn't worry about what Jisoo is doing... and with who... because imagine if she did...

Jennie... I already knew this... but now is even clear... she likes attention... I don't mean it in a bad way... she is just an affectionate person... and it's funny... maybe for her is normal and she doesn't even notice what she does... but I never really receive affection from anyone, even as a kid, physical affection it wasn't something natural... so... it's funny how hard it is for me not to notice... even if it is just a simple touch, how she always finds a way to have a constant point of contact with me... like right now... with her shoulder against mine.

She just drank a full shot and.... yeah... she does look better... the alcohol must have already kicked in by now... but even though she seems more at ease as she is distracted by us and the alcohol... I still see how she from time to time, looks sadly at X across the room with the other girl... and it's also hard not to see how he looks at me now too... she wanted to affect him and believe me... she did. He looks at me like he's about to come over here and start a fight over her at any minute... and I don't blame him... it's Jennie...

Jisoo comes hyped out of nowhere, holding a flyer and hands it to me.

"What is it?" Jennie asks Jisoo.

I start to read.

[Win a PlayStation...]

"Wowww..." I say amazed, starting to be as hyped as her.

[the best romantic and spooky kiss]

"... Not wow... Jisoo..."

Jisoo chuckles. Jennie snatches the flyer out of my hands, and she and Rosé begin reading it.

They also laugh, and Jennie's mischievous smile is directed at me.

I avoid her gaze and look back at Jisoo.

"... Wh-why you handed that to me...?!"

Jisoo laughs.

"It was just... if you guys decide to fake a kiss too, let me know... I can help take the photo... I know how badly you want a PlayStation."

"Me? Mhm."

"Then I can come by for you not to play alone."

Rosé chuckles.

"I'm sorry, Jisoo, just try to find other people..." I say. Jennie turns to me, places her hands on my shoulders and starts to push me away from them, making me walk backwards.

"I will convince her, wait a minute."


"No, she won't!" I scream to them as she pushes me.

Jennie stops.

"No," I say.

"Lisa..." she is doing the soft voice. Ahhhh.

"Still no."

She takes her bear ears and puts them on my head but, argh.

She chuckles.

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