[55] Feb 18, 2023 - Saturday 23:02 [168]

146 14 0

| Residence

I'm seriously questioning my life decisions right now... I spent all day working on the final project of the uni... but I just got asked a few hours ago, from one of the freelance projects I accepted, if I could deliver it by 8 am tomorrow... if I had worked on this instead of the one of the uni... arghh, I'm going to spend all night on this...



I flinch in my chair desk and look scared at my door.

I put my glasses down on the desk, and walk towards it... these doors could have some way of knowing who is it... jisoos...

At this hour it must be some uni students with social life or lack of it... having fun...


I look at my phone... no messages...


[Jennie: Can you open the door?!]

[Jennie: I saw the lights on]

[Jennie: I know you're home...]

I breathe deeply... I thought someone was going to murder me, or even worse, talk to me trying to convince me to subscribe to some shit.

I open the door and Jennie is with her eyebrows furrowed, angy...

"Are you avoiding me already?"

I chuckle.

"What? No... I just didn't know who was it..."

"Hm..." she hms annoyed.

"Text me first, then knock... then be mad, when I decide to not open still..."

She furrows her eyebrows again. I cross my arms on the door and chuckle.

"... I thought you would just come back to the city for the class on Monday..."

"I didn't want to come in the day before and is almost Sunday."

"Oh... yeah... tomorrow is... is-is Sunday... mhm..."

She chuckles.

"Yes... that's usually how it works after a Saturday... Lisa...?"



"Nothing... you arrived now?"


"And you came straight here...? You know... your apartment is just around the corner, almost at the other end of the corridor," I point and she chuckles.

"I didn't come straight here... I already left my stuff in my apartment."

"Hm... you want me to ask you if you want to enter like a normal person?"

"No... I have to go."

I clench my jaw.

"Go where...? At this hour."

"I agreed to meet with Jisoo at her place."


I breathe deeply.

"You're being weird..." she chuckles.

"Sorry... I... I have been working all day on the uni project and a few others... I think I lost a few brain cells."


She stares at me in silence... but her mind doesn't seem so silent...

"I'm cool with our silence... but... what's going on...? Did you come here just to see my pretty face?"

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