[68] Apr 21, 2023 - Friday 07:33 [229]

148 11 0

| Residence

"You have everything?" I ask as Jennie closes her bag on top of the bed. She looks at me.


"What exactly are you going to do?"

"The first phase of the plan has started... the person in charge already arrived, so we will try to find out what they are planning next... and report it to Sana."

"Why can't I know who they are?"

She sighs.

"Jisoo's siblings after they reported information like this... they didn't last a night... today we are going to find out if Sana was right or not... and you knowing anything... I... I just want you as far away from this as possible..."

I breathe out, clenching my jaw and nod.  

She grabs her bag, places her hand on my cheek, and kisses me.

"... I'll be back as soon as I'm done."

I hug her.

"And I'll be waiting..."

She looks up and smiles...

Breathes deeply and gives me a kiss. 

She releases her hold on me and starts leaving her bedroom. I walk behind her, matching her steps. Once we reach the table, I lean against it, observing her go.

As she opens the door and keeps her hand on the handle, she looks back and... winks seductively at me. I wink dorky at her in response, making her smile before she closes the door.




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One more lifetime until Spotify kindly decides to update the background colour again...

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