[62] Mar 20, 2023 - Monday 08:02 [197]

147 16 0

*police sirens*

| Residence

I raise my upper body on the bed... alone?!

♪ [ ~ Brush Fire - Gracie Abrams ~ ]

"Jennie?!" I hurriedly make my way out of the bedroom and go to the living room.

She's getting up from the sofa... but her pillow... is on the sofa, and the blanket is also unfolded.

"... Why were you sleeping on the sofa...?"

*police sirens getting louder*

She looks at me and I look at her.

"You don't think..."

"I-I don't know..." I walk over to the living room window.

"... The-there's a police car parked at the entrance..."


I turn to her.

"And it's my aunt's car..."


"... Is she here for you or for me?!"



I grab my phone.


I pick up and peek through the window again, seeing my aunt standing against her car.

"... Hi, gomo..."

"Hi, are you up?"


"I thought I could give you a ride to university... you said you have been busy for the last two weeks... and I need to talk to you... "

"If is just that, why did you turn on the sirens?"

"Traffic," she says with a sincere tone and I see her shrugging her shoulders.

I chuckle.

"I just woke up and I still need to take a shower, it may take me a while... maybe--"

"I'll wait, come down when you're ready."

Jennie signals me to not say no.

"Ah, sure... I'll try to hurry then... see you soon," I hang up.

"Lisa, please... don't start to avoid her and make this worse... just say... I'm a friend... and no more than that..."

I nod.

"Jennie... what's going on...?" I look at the blanket on the sofa and back at her.

She walks nearer to me.

"Thank you..."


"For agreeing... to be with me... and even after all this crazy story I told you, for you still wanting to be..." her eyes shimmer...

"... But you have to start letting go of your feelings for me... I'll still be here... always... but you need to find new people... fall in love... give your love to someone you can have a future with... I'm just stalling you... from you getting your happiness, from meeting your person too... I'm sure there is a girl meant for you, and that she can't wait to meet this idiot... I want to see you happy... loved... that's all I want for you..."

"Jennie..." I cover my face with my hand.

She gives me a kiss on my cheek, grabs a bag behind the sofa and starts walking towards the door.

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