[65] Apr 9, 2023 - Sunday 21:11 [217]

155 17 0

| Uni Festival - Near River and University

"Rosé, breath with me..." I say as Rosé walks in circles behind the stage.

"Where is Onew?! He said he had all the cables, do you see the cables or Onew, Lisa?!"

She sits on a chair.

"... This is going to be a disaster..."

"It won't, he will be here soon... and Jisoo is already coming backstage too..." 

"You texted her?! She... she was here...?"

"Of course she was here... you're going to perform, stupid."

"But she said she had to be home this weekend, that she couldn't even go to class on Monday... something about her parents being mad at her..."

"Hm... well, but she's here..."

Rosé presses her lips, trying to contain her smile and starts to blush.

I chuckle.

"... Roseanne Park... you are being too obvious... I swear I don't know how Jisoo doesn't notice."

"Ya, she can be here any minute!"

"Hm... you didn't deny it this time... are we moving on from denial...?"

"I don't like her!"

"You don't like who?" Jisoo appears behind us.

"Ah-ah-ah, the woman Lisa just pointed out in the crowd, is not really the time for that now, Lisa."

I chuckle and I just agree with her stupid excuse...

Jisoo looks at us confused... and gets near with a bag.

"Is any of these cables the one you need?"

"Omo... yes, you had them with you?"

"No, I stole them from the university auditorium."

"How did you break in at this hour?"

"I have my ways, but I have to take them back later."

Sometimes I forget I'm surrounded by criminals...

Rosé chuckles.

"Mhm... thank you... I was not expecting you to be here, you said you couldn't come..."

"Am I here? I'm pretty sure I'm in my bedroom right now..."

"You lied to your parents?! If they find out won't be even worse?"

"I omitted... and they won't, don't worry. Besides, there's a party later at night, is my last year of university, I have the right to do whatever I want."

"Why are your parents mad at you?" I ask.

"We just had an argument because I'm not following the rules like a little sheep... nothing special... families... I'll go find Jennie, she just said she arrived... with X..."

Jisoo and Rosé look at me.

I nod.

"Okay..." I say.

Jisoo breathes deeply like she's going to give me a lecture... but she... nods too.

"See you soon then. Good luck, dork... hwaiting..." she smiles walking backwards, turns around and steps back into the crowd.

Rosé waits for Jisoo to disappear and turns to me.

"Jisoo knows, I know, even Jennie knows, and you know too... that you are getting out of this with your heart broken... she's going to get married in three months, Lisa..."

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