[50.2] Feb 6, 2023 - Monday 14:27 [155]

168 15 0

| Residence

Jennie was weird, right...?

Like she knew that man... like she was going to meet him, no...?

She was obviously trying to make me leave... the man didn't seem scary... or Jennie scared of him or anything... he was the one who actually seemed nervous.


I feel Rosé come to my side and lower herself to be at my level since I'm on my desk chair, turned to the TV wall. She faces the same wall.

"What are we looking at?"

I chuckle.

"Nothing..." I grab my bowl and get up.

"... Did you finish eating your ice cream too?"


I grab her bowl, go to the kitchen and start doing the dishes. Rosé follows me, sitting in one of the chairs at the counter.

"Nothing like... you were thinking about how stupid you were to accept to do a project with Jennie or even worse, that you are pondering going to her parent's house... or nothing, nothing?"

I chuckle.

"How many times are you going to bring up those things just to call me stupid?"

"A few more probably," she chuckles.

♪ [ ~ Wishes - Jamie Miller ~ ]

"Hm... and about Jisoo... you don't want to bring that up again...?"

"I don't see why..."

"For how long you will keep lying to me about the reason you didn't accept to do a project with her?"

"It isn't a lie, I had already agreed to do it with Joy."

I put the bowls to dry and go to the counter and look at Rosé who is sitting on the other side.


"... What?"

"I'm still not buying it... why did you push Jisoo to do the project with Mina then?"

"They seem to get along... and if they spend more time with each other... they might even start dating..."

"And you want that...?"

"They have a lot in common... I think they would be good to each other..."

I chuckle.

"Oh, really...?"

"I already told you... I got over Jisoo... and you have to get over Jisoo and me now," she chuckles.

"Hm," I hm annoyed, walk to the sofa and sit. She turns around on the chair and faces me.

"Is true... I don't want to be with her like that anymore... and she was always saying for me to stop... I finally did..."

"She's been saying that since you guys met... is more than that... you're just not telling me..."

"Aww... Jisoo was right... she was no different from the others and I just felt challenged... now that I realized that... this can stop... and we can be friends... who are just... friends..."

"So nothing happened after her birthday...? You just... realized that...?"


"And the last time you guys hang out alone it was just that exam day, where you guys watched a movie at Jisoo place and that was it?"


Miss Roseanne Park... what are you not telling me...?

"And nothing happened that day...?"

"Argh, I already told you... it didn't..."

"What did you guys do then...?"

"We just went to her place... and..." she chuckles.

"... She let me choose the movie... we watched it, and Jisoo almost had a heart attack when she thought I ate all her favourite snacks... in my defence, I just ate the ones on the bowl but I didn't put all of them there, so there were still some left in the bag..."

I chuckle.

"... After, she tried to teach me how to play a dumb game with her... but video games... it really isn't for me... so she suggested we could go to a private karaoke club... which we did..." she chuckles smiling like she's remembering.

"... She sang too... like, Jisoo sang with me... her voice is so beautiful when she was not playing around," she chuckles.

"... Or even when she was playing around too... and when she tried to rap..." she laughs alone and... we lost Rosé... she got lost, facing the same wall I was before.

"What happened next?"

"It got late... so she drove me home... and ah...." she face-palms herself.

"... Turns out I forgot my key card inside my apartment... but she said that maybe we didn't have to call anyone and she went up with me to my door... and... she opened, you know that box that reads the card system...?" she says with a confused face.


"And I... I don't know how she did it... but she messed with some cables and the door opened... which made me a little worried but she said this only worked because I didn't lock the door... now I lock it every time..."


"She said she needed to go. I stayed in my apartment... and she went down..."

"And you just let her go...? She didn't say anything more? You didn't try to do anything...?"

She nods no.

"I... already was feeling like... I didn't want to."

"You didn't want to...? So... that... that was the day...? That... horrible day as you described... it was what made you realize... you've just... gotten over her...?"

"Mhm... aww... I just want to have fun and go back to feeling like my old self again..."


"Why are you smiling?"

"Rosé you didn't realize you don't like her... you realized... you really like her, didn't you...?"

"No! Me...?! What?! I don't like that nerd...! I just told you I'm not even attracted to her anymore... nothing... I feel nothing..."


"Arghh, I don't like her...!"

"Okay... sure you don't..."

"Lisa, I don't! I even started to go out with other people again and I'm never been happier."

"Wait... I didn't know you had stopped... when was this?"

"Ah... arghh, I... this conversation is over... I don't like her and that's it! I don't!"


"I swear if you say okay with that tone again... you have to believe me... is me... I never fell for anyone... and I'll definitively not going to fall for Jisoo, not even a little bit..."

"Oh-k-mhm..." I chuckle.

"This... what you plotting in your head..." she waves her hand in my direction.

"... Stop."

I press my lips, slide my back more against the sofa and nod okay.

She sighs, leaning herself more against the counter too.

"You should talk to Jisoo."

"Lisa! Ya! And... there's nothing to say..."

~ Jisoo didn't say much... because tHeRe'S nOthiNg tO sAy... her words ~

These two...

I chuckle.

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