[33] Dec 12, 2022 - Monday 10:48 [99]

217 17 0

| University

I'm already in the class and I want to go back to my bed so bad... I feel so sleepy... Jisoo is on the corner, then Rosé, me, and Jennie.

♪ [ ~ everytime - Ariana Grande ~ ]

Jisoo and Rosé are always bickering with each other now... Rosé keeps trying to flirt with her but just when I think Jisoo is going to give in... nope... it's just to tease Rosé even more... it's now obvious to everyone that Rosé wants Jisoo to do exactly that... lose control and give in to her... don't ask me what it goes in Jisoo's head because I have no fucking clue... but if she enjoys teasing Rosé... yes... visibly... very much...

Jennie is by my side focused on her phone not even paying attention to the class.

"Okay, a fifteen minutes pause, everyone and don't come back late again or I won't let you come in...!" the teacher says and Rosé gets up, probably to get food like she always does when we reach this part of the class.


She goes and sits next to a boy, oh... the one who is Jisoo's classmate and asked for Rosé's number.

Jennie immediately puts down the phone when she notices what's happening... of course... nothing is more important than keeping up with the drama.

Rosé starts to linger her fingers on the boy's shoulder and... I can't believe this shit... she's smirking pretending to listen to the boy as she keeps throwing glances at Jisoo.

Jennie and I look at Jisoo silently.

Jisoo is smiling widely looking at Rosé.

Rosé gets annoyed for a second as she notices Jisoo's reaction and turns her attention back to the boy.

She whispers something in his ear and, aishh... Roseanne, Roseanne.

They started kissing a bit too much... for someone who is still in the middle of a classroom.

I hear Jisoo chuckle and I look back at her.

She's not looking at them anymore but she's still smiling, opening a game on her phone.

I feel Jennie bringing her back more to her front to see Jisoo's reaction. I chuckle and move my back more to my seat since I'm between them.

Rosé looks in our direction again, stops kissing the boy and turns her head forward.

Jisoo gets up.

"I'm going to get a coffee milk, do you guys want anything?"

"No, thank you," I say, Jennie also nods no and Jisoo starts leaving the room.

♪ [ ~ Lost My Mind - FINNEAS ~ ]

Jennie goes back to her phone again, so I just want to use this silence, as best as I possibly can.

I close my eyes and press my back in the seat... I'm so tired... I barely slept last night...

I had... a nightmare where I woke up in the middle of the night sweating with my heart racing... and I couldn't fall asleep afterwards... usually they aren't this intense...

I breathe in and out... and open my eyes slowly.

As I open them, I feel Jennie suddenly move her head to her phone again... was she... looking at me...?

I chuckle tiredly.

You were there too... at the end... how weird would it be if I said I already lost count of how many times I dreamed about you...?

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