[26] Nov 5, 2022 - Saturday 16:16 [62]

218 17 0

| Residence

Rosé came over to my apartment for me to help her install the game on her laptop. I already played alone with her for an hour. She doesn't know everything but I think she can survive at least, I'm not an expert either, so I won't be that surprised if I end up dead in the first five minutes with a ledge...

"Can we enter now?" Rosé asks, sitting in one of my chairs next to my kitchen counter.

"Mhm, I'll grab my laptop."

I walk over to my desk, and as I disconnect the cables to free my laptop, I look outside.


"What is it?"

I walk to the counter again and sit next to Rosé.

"It's just... X's car... but it doesn't matter, let's play with them."

"Are you sure?"

I smile.


I enter and the load screen appears... I can see my reflection on the screen as I wait... I hate these moments...

I turn on the voice channel for us to talk with the others.

"Hi, Rosé..." Jisoo says.

"Hi..." Rosé says and mutes us.

[M] "... I know she's smirking."

I chuckle.


[M] "I don't want to play anymore..." Rosé says with a sigh.

[M]  "... Jisoo keeps only talking with Mina," she leans forward in her chair, placing her elbow on the counter.

[M] "They are building the same thing... it's normal."

[M] "I'm going to burn that thing..."

I chuckle.

[M] "Don't you like planting seeds with me?"

[M] "No!"

I press my lips and try not to laugh at her annoyed face.

[M] "... Why is Mina's bed next to Jisoo's!?" Rosé says as she enters the main house to get more seeds. 

I chuckle.


"Rosé where are you?" Jisoo asks.

[M] "I don't know..." Rosé whispers to me.

"You need to sleep for us to be able to sleep too," Jisoo adds.

I look at her screen confused.

[M] "Where is that? I didn't even know we had a desert near us," I say.

[M] "I just thought the rabbits were cute so I followed them... I don't have a bed! What do I do now?! Jisoo will make fun of me! Lisa! Lisa!" she starts to scream, panicking.

[M] "Ya, ya... stop, let me try to see better."

"Rosé where are you?" Jisoo keeps asking.

"On the desert..." Rosé starts in a low tone.

"Okay, come back then."

Rosé makes a nervous face, mutes us, breathes out, and unmutes us.

"I don't know which way to go..."

Jisoo laughs hard.

Rosé is sitting next to me so pissed off like she is about to close her laptop at any moment just not to hear Jisoo laughing anymore.

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