Final Author's Note

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My last hi :)

If you really read all these chapters... 100 days... I... courage... I have no words to say how much I appreciate you reading this long mess...

If you're wondering why their wedding was on a Wednesday, it's not because it's cheaper on weekdays... dates are dates.

This was the first and last story I'll probably write, hehe. Thank you all for everything.

It was cringe, sad, too dramatic, cute, soft, but mostly fun writing these characters and sharing them and their story with you.

I learned a lot, like how the word sheeps does not exist and the plural is just... sheep, among other things.

Overall, as I said at the beginning, this is mostly just a stupid romcom/drama, but even the most stupid stories have value and I'll choose to go with that.

Fun fact, if you read all this... you read about, slightly more, two books of The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo, just 242 508 words...

Okey. It's time to get over my fear of the dark or get a girlfriend who lets me touch her back as she sleeps. But let's be honest, girlfriends are scarier than dark. It was fun, bye guys

*winks dorky*

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